Michael Takeo Magruder
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Un/familiar Terrain{s}

An exhibition of landscapes generated from personal experiences reimagined through a dialogue between artist and AI.

v1.0 - 2024


Reconstructed Landscape{s} – III

Unique vistas generated from a personal experience of Great Falls (VA, US) reimagined through artist-AI dialogue.

v1.0 - 2024


Reconstructed Landscape{s} – II

Unique vistas generated from a personal experience of Hidcote Bartrim (EN, UK) reimagined through artist-AI dialogue.

v1.0 - 2023


Reconstructed Landscape{s} – I

Unique vistas generated from a personal experience of Fisherman's Trail (BC, CA) reimagined through artist-AI dialogue.

v1.0 - 2023


[re]Encoding the Archive

A visual art exhibition exploring the journey of The National Archives, UK into the Digital Age.

v1.0 - 2021


Imaginary Landscapes – Timișoara

A work depicting alternate visions of Timișoara generated with AI from historic maps and satellite imagery of the city.

v1.0 - 2021


Portrait of the Dark Archive

A physical data sculpture that portrays the architecture and scale of The National Archives' digital repository.

v1.0 - 2020


Corpus of Law

An aesthetic 3D visualisation that illustrates the entire 800-year recorded history of legislation in the UK.

v1.0 - 2020


Public Records Act 1958–2020

A unique physical document that is a contemporary digital rendition of the UK's Public Records Act 1958.

v1.0 - 2020


(endless) Wall

A real-time virtual world in which a user exists in a state of perpetual containment and isolation.

v3.0 - 2020


Sea Watch

An installation reflecting on the socio-political contexts and responses to the current Mediterranean migration crisis.

v1.0 - 2019


Data Flow (River Lea)

An interactive installation generated from blending live environmental data and personal memories of the River Lea.

v1.0 - 2019

Imaginary Cities

An exhibition transforming historic urban maps into fictional cityscapes for the Information Age.

v1.0 - 2019


Imaginary Cities — Paris

A series of digital gold-gilded monoprints made from a single 19th-century map of Paris.

v1.0 - 2019


Imaginary Cities — NYC

A real-time virtual 'city' exclusively generated from an early urban map of New York City.

v1.0 - 2019


Imaginary Cities — London

An ever-changing digital 'landscape' created from a historic map of late-Georgian London.

v1.0 - 2019


Imaginary Cities — Chicago

A physical UV-light reactive data sculpture produced from an urban street map of 1870s Chicago.

v1.0 - 2019


Imaginary Cities — Chongqing

A real-time virtual 'city' exclusively generated from an early urban map of Chongqing.

v1.0 - 2019


Zero Tolerance

An installation exploring the separation & detention of migrant families crossing the US southern border.

v1.0 - 2018


De/coding the Apocalypse

A visual art exhibition that explores contemporary creative visions inspired by and based on the Book of Revelation.

v1.1 - 2018


Makljen (re/constructed)

An installation examining the notion of 'monument' within the contexts of utopia & modernism in the former Eastern Bloc.

v1.0 - 2017


Lamentation for the Forsaken

A new media installation juxtaposing Christ’s journey to the cross with the plight of refugees fleeing the Syrian War.

v2.0 - 2017


Lamentation for the Forsaken

A new media installation juxtaposing Christ’s journey to the cross with the plight of refugees fleeing the Syrian War.

v1.0 - 2016


(endless) Wall

A real-time virtual world in which a user exists in a state of perpetual containment and isolation.

v2.0 - 2015


Data Flow (River Brent)

An installation transforming live data from the River Brent in London into a virtual stream of information.

v1.0 - 2015

De/coding the Apocalypse

A visual art exhibition that explores contemporary creative visions inspired by and based on the Book of Revelation.

v1.0 - 2014


The Horse as Technology

A new media installation reflecting upon the Book of Revelation that proposes the 'horse' is a symbol of technology.

v1.0 - 2014


Playing the Apocalypse

An algorithmic triptych reflecting on how the Book of Revelation's apocalyptic visions manifest in digital pop culture.

v1.0 - 2014


Revelation as Mirror

A set of digital 'stained-glass windows' that considers how the Book of Revelation contextualises the present.

v1.0 - 2014


Apocalypse Forever

A new media installation that endlessly generates live contemporary visual interpretations of the Book of Revelation.

v1.0 - 2014


A New Jerusalem

A virtual reality installation that embodies the spirit of the new Jerusalem as described in the Book of Revelation.

v1.0 - 2014


The Nether Realm

A 'living' virtual environment that explores the relationship between virtual reality and the real world.

v1.0 - 2014



An installation reflecting on programs of mass surveillance and issues of personal privacy in the Information Age.

v1.0 - 2014


Living Data

An exhibition of evolving virtual/physical artworks generated from the ubiquitous artefacts of the digital domain.

v1.0 - 2014


Data_Plex (babel)

A networked, real-time 3D architecture that is generated from and evolves with online social media networks.

v1.0 - 2014


Data Storm (prototype I)

A generative virtual construct that is algorithmically created in real time from Earth's own weather patterns.

v1.0 - 2014



A networked, real-time 3D installation exploring the relationship between astronomy and broadcast media.

v2.0 - 2013


(re)mediation_s 2000-2010

A 108-page monograph documenting Takeo's projects in news media, mobile devices and virtual worlds.

v1.0 - 2012


Visions of Our Communal Dreams

A virtual/physical installation exploring issues of hybridity, embodiment and collective creativity in the avatar age.

v2.0 - 2012


Deconstructed Metaverse

A work examining the underlying technological frameworks that comprise today's shared virtual environments.

v1.0 - 2012


Visions of Our Communal Dreams

A virtual/physical installation exploring issues of hybridity, embodiment and collective creativity in the avatar age.

v1.0 - 2012



A project reflecting on issues of information freedom and secrecy in today's ever-shifting media landscape.

v1.0 - 2011


Data Flower (Prototype I)

An endless generative virtual blossom algorithmically constructed in real time from society's representations of flowers.

v1.0 - 2010


Changing Room

A performance-installation exploring the mutability and reusability of artefacts, concepts and situations in the digital age.

v2.0 - 2010


(in)Remembrance [11-M]

An exhibition and series of interrelated artistic interventions reflecting on the Madrid train bombings of 2004.

v1.0 - 2010



A modular print installation reflecting upon globalisation, multiculturalism and collective memory in the Digital Age.

v1.0 - 2010



An installation analysing the notions of time, space and presence within today's shared virtual environments.

v1.0 - 2010


Vanishing Point(s)

An installation conjoining the principles of ancient Roman fresco art with contemporary virtual worlds.

v1.0 - 2010



An artwork examining the aesthetics of media language within our multicultural and technologically-enabled society.

v2.0 - 2010


Changing Room

A performance-installation exploring the mutability and reusability of artefacts, concepts and situations in the digital age.

v1.0 - 2009


Data Double (El Lissitzky iteration)

A shared portal between reality and virtuality that is based on El Lissitzky's explorations of media and form.

v1.0 - 2009


Data_Plex (economy)

A networked, real-time 3D installation that is generated from and evolves with the global financial markets.

v1.0 - 2009



A networked, real-time 3D installation exploring the relationship between astronomy and broadcast media.

v1.0 - 2009


Last Days...

A work reflecting upon the resumption of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict during the final days of 2008.

v1.0 - 2008


Reflection (hope & reconciliation)

An artwork encapsulating the defining moment of Barack Obama's presidential election victory in 2008.

v1.0 - 2008


Virtual Physical Bodies

A visual art exhibition exploring how technologies are bringing new types of ‘bodies’ into our everyday lives.

v1.0 - 2008

(endless) Wall

A real-time virtual world in which a user exists in a state of perpetual containment and isolation.

v1.0 - 2008


Sequence-N (echo)

A painterly character study exploring cinematic concepts and formats using today's ubiquitous mobile technologies.

v1.0 - 2008


The Vitruvian World

A mixed-reality installation analysing the principles of Vitruvius within today's shared virtual environments.

v1.0 - 2008


Addressable Memory

A visual art exhibition considering critical and aesthetic notions of ‘memory’ within our information-dependent society.

v1.0 - 2007

Textweave (J. Puente + G. Hands)

A set of digital canvases generated from data-code translations of an ongoing SMS conversation between two young lovers.

v1.0 - 2007

Rhythmic Space(s)

An installation-performance environment based upon Adolphe Appia’s theories concerning space, time and movement.

v1.0 - 2007


Sequence-N (horizon)

A painterly landscape exploring cinematic concepts and formats using today's ubiquitous mobile technologies.

v1.0 - 2007


Sequence-N (labyrinth)

A painterly scene exploring cinematic concepts and formats using today's ubiquitous mobile technologies.

v1.0 - 2007


Ghost in the Machine... (i)

A real-time digital painting generated from and visually representing artificial life algorithms.

v1.0 - 2007

Sequence-N (carousel)

A set of digital canvases algorithmically generated from deconstructed mobile phone video data.

v1.0 - 2007

Encoded (portrait of Cleo)

An algorithmic digital portrait created from low resolution mobile phone video and data.

v1.0 - 2007


An artwork reflecting on our ephemeral collective history as portrayed by global news networks.

v1.0 - 2007



An artwork examining the mediated histories generated by today’s news corporations and networks.

v1.0 - 2006



A morphing virtual/physical data globe that is constructed from real-time news information.

v1.0 - 2006


A networked, real-time virtual world blending icons of pre-history with aesthetics of the information age.

v1.0 - 2006



A series of virtual sculptures generated from the single word 'world' translated into society's most common languages.

v1.0 - 2006


{ transcription }

A real-time media installation reflecting on society's information-saturated and data-driven existence.

v1.0 - 2006


Motion Study

A virtual artwork exploring choreographic structures liberated from the constraints of the human body and physical space.

v1.0 - 2005


An algorithmically-processed dreamlike scene exploring the notion of memory in the mobile phones age.

v1.0 - 2005



A work examining the aesthetics of media language within our multicultural and technologically-enabled society.

v1.0 - 2005


A networked, real-time virtual construct generated from the unending flow of news media.

v1.0 - 2005



A visual art exhibition merging the notions of cyber space with physical materiality and forms.

v1.0 - 2005


[ FALLUJAH . IRAQ . 31/03/2004 ]

A series of works about the Iraq War reflecting on the iconic nature of conflict in the 21st century.

v2.0 - 2005


Landscape (grass + pavement)

A digitally minimal data painting generated from a low resolution mobile phone photograph.

v1.0 - 2004

Landscape (sky + lamppost)

A digitally minimal data painting generated from a low resolution mobile phone photograph.

v1.0 - 2004


A set of data-paintings generated from mobile phone video of journeys through urban roadways.

v1.0 - 2005


Encoded Presence

An artwork interpreting the notion of ‘auto-portrait’ which foreshadows the mobile phone selfie phenomenon.

v1.0 - 2005


[ FALLUJAH . IRAQ . 31/03/2004 ]

A series of works about the Iraq War reflecting on the iconic nature of conflict in the 21st century.

v1.0 - 2004


Opacity of the Code

A pair of digitally minimal artworks that explore the aesthetics and formal structures of encoded information.

v1.0 - 2004


Encoded (love)

A digitally minimal and multi-format data painting on the subject of love in the Digital Age.

v1.0 - 2004

[ Retrospection ]

A real-time, interactive digital media installation created from archived news media extracts.

v1.0 - 2004


A painterly digital video artwork and multi-channel installation created from digital recordings of news broadcasts.

v1.0 - 2004

< event >

An artwork generated from news stories reflecting on the small isolated events that comprise history.

v1.0 - 2004


{ Matrix }

A series of virtual sculptures constructed from and still embodying minute samples of encoded data.

v1.0 - 2004



A set of data paintings that explores the processes of encoding and decoding streams of digital information.

v1.0 - 2003


] ... [ world ] ... [

A series of digital mandalas generated from the single word 'world' translated into society's most common languages.

v1.0 - 2003


[ daemon ]

A wall-mounted, multi-element light sculpture constructed as a totem for the Information Age.

v1.0 - 2003

+ requiem +

An artwork reflecting on tragic moments of recent history as stored on news media archives.

v1.0 - 2003



A visual art exhibition that explores the blending of modernist structures with information aesthetics.

v1.0 - 2003

| reconstruction |

A set of three data-paintings generated from the code, text and image of a single online news article.

v1.0 - 2003


¿ ikon ?

A data-painting that is constructed from digital scans of various international newspapers.

v2.0 - 2003


{ broadcast }

A painterly digital video artwork and single-channel installation created from digital recordings of news broadcasts.

v1.0 - 2003

[ transmission ]

A painterly digital video artwork and single-channel installation created from a digital recording of a news broadcast.

v1.0 - 2003

[ transmission ]

A data-painting that is exclusively created from a single digital recording of a news broadcast.

v1.0 - 2003


< introspection >

A painterly digital video artwork and multi-format installation generated from scans of newspaper text.

v1.0 - 2002


An internet artwork created for the Cyber-Kitchen that is made from seven days of digitised newspaper articles.

v1.0 - 2002


(iso*) iii

A painterly digital video artwork and multi-format installation created from international newspaper scans.

v1.0 - 2002

(iso*) ii

A painterly digital video artwork and multi-format installation created from international newspaper scans.

v1.0 - 2002

(iso*) i

A painterly digital video artwork and multi-format installation created from international newspaper scans.

v1.0 - 2002

[26.02.2002] b/r

A painterly digital video artwork and multi-format installation composed from digitised news broadcasts and papers.

v1.0 - 2002

[26.02.2002] g/b

A painterly digital video artwork and multi-format installation composed from digitised news broadcasts and papers.

v1.0 - 2002

[26.02.2002] r/g

A painterly digital video artwork and multi-format installation composed from digitised news broadcasts and papers.

v1.0 - 2002


A modular light sculpture blending modernist structures with aesthetics of the Information Age.

v1.0 - 2001

/abstraction/ iii

A painterly digital video artwork and multi-format installation made from scanned newspaper articles.

v1.0 - 2001

/abstraction/ ii

A painterly digital video artwork and multi-format installation made from scanned newspaper articles.

v1.0 - 2001

/abstraction/ i

A painterly digital video artwork and multi-format installation made from scanned newspaper articles.

v1.0 - 2001

¿ ikon ?

A painterly digital video artwork and multi-format installation generated from digitised newspaper text.

v1.0 - 2000


A digital painting generated from high-resolution scans of international newspaper fragments.

v1.0 - 2000


A visual art exhibition exploring the structures and aesthetics of ubiquitous news media in the Information Age.

v1.0 - 2000


A painterly digital video artwork and urban installation created from scan fragments of international newspapers.

v1.0 - 2000

¿transition? (series)

A set of high-resolution digital paintings that examine the aesthetic qualities of newsprint typography.

v1.0 - 2000

text abstraction ii

A painterly media collage constructed from scanned articles collected from international newspapers.

v1.0 - 2000

text abstraction i

A painterly media collage constructed from scanned articles collected from international newspapers.

v1.0 - 2000

The Millennium Experience

A painterly digital mural reflecting on Western values and preoccupations at the onset of the new millennium.

v1.0 - 2000


Biography: (short)

Michael Takeo Magruder (b.1974, US/UK, www.takeo.org) is a visual artist and researcher who works with emerging media including real-time data, VR environments, mobile devices, digital archives, and AI processes. His practice explores concepts ranging from media criticism and aesthetic journalism to digital formalism and computational aesthetics, deploying Information Age technologies and systems to examine our networked, media-rich world.

In the last 25 years, Michael's projects have been showcased in over 300 exhibitions in 35 countries, including the British Library, London; Circulo de Bellas Artes, Madrid; the Courtauld Institute of Art, London; EAST International, Norwich; Eastside Projects, Birmingham; FACT, Liverpool; Georges Pompidou Center, Paris; KIBLA Multimedijski Center, Maribor; Museum of London; Nam June Paik Art Center, Seoul; QUAD, Derby; SESI' Cultural Centre, São Paulo; Somerset House, London; Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography; and Trans-Media-Akademie, Hellerau. His art has been funded by the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts; Arts Council England; the British Council; the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation; the EU Culture Programme; the Leverhulme Trust; the National Endowment for the Arts, US; and the National Lottery, UK. Michael has been commissioned by numerous public galleries in the UK and abroad and by the leading Internet Art portal Turbulence.org. He is represented by Gazelli Art House in Mayfair, London.

In 2010, Michael was selected to represent the UK at Manifesta 8: the European Biennial of Contemporary Art and several of his most well-known digital artworks were added to the Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art at Cornell University. In 2013, he was a Leverhulme Trust artist-in-residence (2013-14) collaborating with Prof Ben Quash (Theology, King's College London) and Alfredo Cramerotti (Director, Mostyn) to develop a solo exhibition – entitled De/coding the Apocalypse – exploring contemporary creative visions based on the Book of Revelation. In 2014, Michael was commissioned by the UK theatre company Headlong to create two new artworks, PRISM (a new media installation reflecting on George Orwell's 1984) and The Nether Realm (a living virtual world inspired by Jennifer Haley's play The Nether). The following year, he was awarded the 2015 Immersive Environments Lumen Prize for his VR installation A New Jerusalem. More recently, Michael has worked with Prof Aaron Rosen (Director, Parsonage Gallery) to reflect on issues surrounding migration in the West including the Syrian Civil War (Lamentation for the Forsaken, 2016) and the US southern border crisis (Zero Tolerance, 2018). He was artist/researcher-in-residence at the British Library, undertaking the Imaginary Cities (2019) project that creatively examines digital map archives drawn from the Library's One Million Images from Scanned Books collection. In 2020, Michael was the first ever artist-in-residence at the UK National Archives and explored the institution's ongoing digital transformation and what constitutes archives in the 21st century. During the Covid-19 pandemic, he was virtual artist-in-residence at the Henry Luce III Center for the Arts & Religion in Washington DC where he investigated social and ethical issues surrounding the international health crisis. Michael is presently MDI Biological Laboratory's inaugural artist-in-residence for its Arts Meets Science programme and is developing a new body of artwork in-dialogue with the Lab's world-class research community.

Michael received his education at the University of Virginia, graduating in 1996 with a BSc (Hons) in molecular biology. His research focuses on the intersections between contemporary art, emerging technology, and interdisciplinary practice. Michael's writings have been widely published, with contributions appearing in books and journals such as: The Arts and Computational Culture (2024, Springer); Poetics Today (2020, Duke University Press); Art Libraries Journal (2016, Cambridge University Press); NJP Reader #5 (2014, Nam June Paik Art Center); Preserving Complex Digital Objects (2014, Facet); International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media (2011, Intellect); Theatre without Vanishing Points (2010, Alexander Verlag), Performing Technology: User Content and the New Digital Media (2009, Cambridge Scholars Publishing); Virtual/Physical Bodies (2008, Centre des Arts); and Die Welt als virtuelles Environment (2007, TMA Hellerau). In addition, Michael has published two monographs: (re)mediation_s 2000-2010 (2012, Peterborough Museum & Art Gallery) that outlines a decade of his work exploring news media, mobile devices and virtual worlds; and Imaginary Cities (2019, British Library) that documents his solo exhibition at the British Library.

Education and Positions:

  • 2023-pres - Artist in Residence : MDI Biological Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME, US
  • 2020-2023 - Artist in Virtual Residence : Henry Luce III Center for the Arts & Religion, US
  • 2019-2022 - Artist in Residence : The National Archives, Kew, UK
  • 2016-2021 - Artist-Researcher in Residence : British Library Labs, British Library, London, UK
  • 2014-2020 - Associate Artist & Researcher : Centre for Arts & the Sacred at King's, King’s College London, UK
  • 2012-2014 - Artist in Residence : Department of Theology & Religious Studies, King’s College London, UK
  • 2005-2014 - Artist & Researcher : Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London, UK
  • 2003-2005 - Artist & Researcher : 3D Visualisation Lab, University of Warwick, UK
  • 1992-1996 - BS (Hons) in Biological Science : University of Virginia, US

Solo Exhibitions and Projects: (selected, 50+ total)

  • 2024 - Un/familiar Terrain{s} : exhibition : The Henry Luce III Center for the Arts & Religion : Washington DC, US
  • 2024 - Lamentation for the Forsaken v2.0 : public installation : Christ Church Cranbrook : Detroit, MI, US
  • 2022 - Sea Watch : exhibition : The Parsonage : Searsport, ME, US
  • 2021 - [re]Encoding the Archive : exhibition : The National Archives : Kew, London, UK
  • 2019 - Zero Tolerance : exhibition : Hå Gamle Prestegard : Nærbø, NO
  • 2019 - A New Jerusalem : exhibition : Synthesis Gallery : Berlin, DE
  • 2019 - Imaginary Cities : exhibition : The British Library : London, UK
  • 2018 - Undocumented : two-person exhibition (with Bently Spang) : Kirks' Grocery : Billings, MT, US
  • 2018 - Lamentation for the Forsaken v2.0 : public installation : Christ Church Cranbrook : Detroit, MI, US
  • 2018 - De/coding the Apocalypse : exhibition : Panacea Museum : Bedford, UK
  • 2017 - Stranded Monuments : two-person exhibition (with Cristian Rusu) : Galeria Plan B : Cluj, RO
  • 2017 - Lamentation for the Forsaken v2.0 : public installation : Virginia Theological Seminary : Alexandria, VA, US
  • 2017 - Lamentation for the Forsaken v2.0 : public installation : Wesley Theological Seminary : Washington DC, US
  • 2015 - Living Data : UK touring exhibition : Brindley Arts Centre : Cheshire, UK
  • 2015 - Living Data : UK touring exhibition : Watermans Art Centre : London, UK
  • 2014 - De/coding the Apocalypse : exhibition : Inigo Rooms, Somerset House : London, UK
  • 2014 - The Nether Realm : public installation : The Royal Court Theatre : London, UK
  • 2014 - Data_Sea v2.0 : public installation : Electronic Visualisation & the Arts (EVA) London : London, UK
  • 2014 - Living Data : UK touring exhibition : Dame Hannahs - Seale Hayne Gallery : Newton Abbot, UK
  • 2014 - PRISM : public installation : Cultural Institute at King’s College London : London, UK
  • 2014 - Living Data : UK touring exhibition : Peterborough Museum & Art Gallery : Peterborough, UK
  • 2012 - Data Flower v1.0 : public installation : Thinktank Science Museum : Birmingham, UK
  • 2010 - Changing Room v2.0 : performance-installation : Sonorities Festival : Queen's University Belfast , UK
  • 2010 - (in)Remembrance [11-M] : exhibition : Arts & Humanities Week : King's College London, UK
  • 2010 - (in)Remembrance [11-M] : project & exhibition: Manifesta 8 - The European Biennial of Contemporary Art : Murcia, ES
  • 2010 - Headlines... : public installation : Thinktank Science Museum : Birmingham, UK
  • 2010 - Vanishing Point(s) and Communion v2.0 : public installations : Digital Humanities 2010 : King's College London, UK
  • 2010 - Data_plex (economy) v1.0 : public installation : Thinktank Science Museum : Birmingham, UK
  • 2009 - Changing Room v1.0 : performance-installation : Eastside Projects : Birmingham, UK
  • 2009 - Data_cosm v1.0 : public installation : Thinktank Science Museum : Birmingham, UK
  • 2009 - Addressable Memory : UK touring exhibition : South Hill Park Art Centre : Bracknell, UK
  • 2009 - Data_Sea v1.0 : public installation : Planetarium, Thinktank Science Museum : Birmingham, UK
  • 2009 - Last Days... : netart project : Oog online, De Volkskrant : Internet, NL
  • 2008 - Addressable Memory : UK touring exhibition : Gibbard Gallery : Harlow, UK
  • 2008 - Addressable Memory : UK touring exhibition : Brindley Arts Centre : Cheshire, UK
  • 2008 - Addressable Memory : UK touring exhibition : MediaMaker venues : Shrewsbury, UK
  • 2007 - Addressable Memory : UK touring exhibition : Peterborough Museum & Art Gallery : Peterborough, UK
  • 2007 - Continuum... : netart project : Oog online, De Volkskrant : Internet, NL
  • 2006 - Headlines : netart project : Oog online, De Volkskrant : Internet, NL
  • 2006 - Monolith[s] : netart project : Turbulence.org : Internet, US
  • 2006 - World[s] : netart project : Soundtoys.net : Internet, UK
  • 2005 - Communion v1.0 : exhibition : 20-21 Visual Art Centre : Scunthorpe, UK
  • 2004 - [retrospection] : public installation : Old Market Hall Media Centre : Shrewsbury, UK
  • 2004 - <event> : netart project : Turbulence.org : Internet, US
  • 2003 - [element]al : exhibition : Norden Farm Centre for the Arts : Maidenhead, UK
  • 2002 - /abstraction/ (i-iii) : public installation : GMI video wall : Leicester Square, London, UK
  • 2001 - [element]s : exhibition : Phillips Gallery - Brewhouse Art Centre : Taunton, UK
  • 2001 - ¿ikon? : public installation : The Warwick & Leamington Festival : Leamington Spa, UK
  • 2001 - ¿ikon? : public installation : GMI video wall : Leicester Square, London, UK
  • 2000 - ¿Transcendence? : exhibition : Alsager Gallery : Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
  • 2000 - in•ter•face : public installation : GMI video wall : Leicester Square, London, UK
  • 2000 - ¿Transcendence? : exhibition : Aartvark Gallery : Dewsbury, UK
  • 2000 - Convergence : exhibition : Library Gallery : University of Warwick, UK
  • 2000 - Michael Takeo Magruder : exhibition : Conoco Centre - Conoco U.K. Headquarters, UK
  • 1999 - Archive : public installation : The Warwick & Leamington Festival : Warwick, UK
  • 1998 - Michael Takeo Magruder : exhibition : Lanchester Gallery : Coventry University, UK
  • 1998 - Emissions : two-person exhibition (with Bill Jackson) : Milverton Gallery : Leamington Spa, UK

Group Exhibitions and Projects: (selected, 250+ total)

  • 2024 - Images of Science - Making the Secrets of Nature Visible : exhibition : MDI Biological Laboratory : Bar Harbor, ME, US
  • 2024 - GAZELL.iO - Project Space : exhibition : Gazelli Art House : London, UK
  • 2023 - Videomedeja - 27 : exhibition & festival : Kulturna Stanica Svilara : Novi Sad, CS
  • 2023 - Art Meets Science - Branches from the Same Tree : exhibition : MDI Biological Laboratory : Bar Harbor, ME, US
  • 2023 - GAZELL.iO - ART SG : exhibition : Marina Bay Sands Expo & Convention Centre : Singapore, SG
  • 2022 - Summer Group Show : exhibition : The Parsonage Gallery : Searsport, ME, US
  • 2022 - Parallel Worlds - CineGlobe 2022 : media & film festival : The Globe, CERN : Geneva, CH
  • 2021 - Orașe Invizibile / Tărâmuri Imaginare : exhibition : Comenduirea Garnizoanei : Timișoara, RO
  • 2021 - Stations of the Cross - Global : exhibition : Henry Luce III Center for & the Arts Religion : Internet, US
  • 2020 - VR Library : permanent showcase : Gazelli Art House : London, UK
  • 2020 - Enter Through the Headset 5 : exhibition : Gazelli Art House : London, UK
  • 2020 - Home Alone Together : exhibition : Image Journal + Henry Luce III Center for the Arts & Religion : Washington DC, US
  • 2020 - NewMediaFest 2020 - WOW Jubilee : exhibition : Newmediafest.org : Internet, DE
  • 2019 - The Lumen Prize 2019 Director’s Showcase : exhibition : The Cello Factory Gallery : London, UK
  • 2019 - Tense Present : exhibition : KIBLA Portal : Maribor, SI
  • 2019 - Desire Lines : exhibition : Brighton Digital Festival : Brighton, UK
  • 2019 - Enter Through the Headset 4 : exhibition : Gazelli Art House : London, UK
  • 2019 - Innovation in the UK : exhibition & expo : UK Pavilion, Smart China Expo : Chongqing, CN
  • 2019 - Secret Rivers : exhibition : Museum of London Docklands : London, UK
  • 2018 - Enter Through the Headset 3 : exhibition : Gazelli Art House : London, UK
  • 2018 - And I Will Take You to Paradise : exhibition : Art Museum KUBE : Ålesund, NO
  • 2018 - Memoria RAM : exhibition : Museo Extremeño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo (MEIAC) : Badajoz, ES
  • 2018 - Stations of the Cross - NYC : city-wide exhibition across 14 historic locations : New York City, NY, US
  • 2017 - FILE São Paulo 2017 : exhibition & festival : FIESP Cultural Center : São Paulo, BR
  • 2017 - Stations of the Cross - DC : city-wide exhibition across 14 historic locations : Washington DC, US
  • 2017 - Gazell.io : artist studio : Gazelli Art House, London + Internet, UK
  • 2017 - Late at the Library - You Are Here! : showcase : British Library : London, UK
  • 2016 - Interactions Gallery : exhibition : 30th British Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Conference : Bournemouth, UK
  • 2016 - Lumen Prize 2015 : international touring exhibition : Electronic Visualisation & the Arts (EVA) London : London, UK
  • 2016 - FILE São Paulo 2016 : exhibition & festival : FIESP Cultural Center : São Paulo, BR
  • 2016 - Lumen Prize 2015 : global touring exhibition : Creative Tech Week : New York City, NY, US
  • 2016 - Lumen Prize 2015 : global touring exhibition : Leeds Digital Festival : Leeds, UK
  • 2016 - Virtual Futures - Cyberdelics : salon & showcase : Lights of Soho : London, UK
  • 2016 - Stations of the Cross - London : city-wide exhibition across 14 historic locations : London, UK
  • 2016 - Lumen Prize 2015 : global touring exhibition : Canary Wharf Winter Lights Festival : London, UK
  • 2015 - Lumen Prize 2015 : global touring exhibition : NYIT Auditorium - Broadway : New York City, NY, US
  • 2015 - Lumen Prize 2015 : global touring exhibition : Jin Space & Gallery : Shanghai, CN
  • 2015 - Videomedeja - 19 : exhibition & festival : Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina : Novi Sad, CS
  • 2015 - FILE 2015 : exhibition & festival : FIESP Cultural Center : São Paulo, BR
  • 2015 - Your Jewish Museum: Journeys : exhibition : Jewish Museum London : London, UK
  • 2015 - Soirée Oculus Rift - CineGlobe 2015 : media & film festival : The Globe, CERN : Geneva, CH
  • 2014 - The C(h)roma Show : exhibition : Croma store Indiranagar : Bangalore, IN
  • 2014 - Paik-Orwell Club - Warez Academy [7] : lecture & installation : Nam June Paik Art Center : Seoul, KR
  • 2014 - Rewritten by Machine and New Technology : exhibition : University Art Gallery : Indiana State University, US
  • 2014 - The International Collection : exhibition : UAVM Virtual Museum : Internet, PT
  • 2013 - London Design Festival - Digital Design Weekend 2013 : exhibition : Victoria & Albert Museum : London, UK
  • 2013 - Urban Ambush : exhibition : Watermans Art Centre : London, UK
  • 2013 - Digital Shoreditch 2013 : exhibition : Shoreditch Town Hall : London, UK
  • 2012 - Robots & Avatars : EU touring exhibition : KIBLA Multimedijski Center : Maribor, SI
  • 2012 - Robots & Avatars : EU touring exhibition : Europe House : London, UK
  • 2012 - Dual : exhibition : The Cutting Room @ Nottingham Playhouse : Nottingham, UK
  • 2012 - FILE Rio 2012 : exhibition & festival : Oi Futuro Cultural Center : Rio de Janeiro, BR
  • 2012 - Robots & Avatars : EU touring exhibition : FACT (Foundation for Art and Creative Technology) : Liverpool, UK
  • 2012 - 25th Stuttgarter Filmwinter : exhibition & festival : Stuttgart, DE
  • 2011 - VAD11 (Video & Digital Arts International) Festival : exhibition & festival : Girona, ES
  • 2011 - NON BIENNALE : exhibition : UAVM Virtual Museum : Internet, PT
  • 2011 - Wikiloot : exhibition : Valeveil.se : Internet, SE
  • 2011 - FILE São Paulo 2011 : exhibition & festival : SESI' Cultural Centre : São Paulo, BR
  • 2011 - All That Fits: The Aesthetics of Journalism : exhibition : QUAD : Derby, UK
  • 2010 - Cyber Human Forms : exhibition : UAVM Virtual Museum : Internet, PT
  • 2010 - DRHA (Digital Resources for the Humanities and Arts) 2010 : exhibition & conference : Brunel University, UK
  • 2010 - FAD - Digital Art Festival : exhibition & festival : Oi Futuro Visual Arts Gallery : Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, BR
  • 2010 - FILE São Paulo 2010 : exhibition & festival : SESI' Cultural Centre : São Paulo, BR
  • 2010 - 10 years of JavaMuseum : exhibition : Javamuseum.org : Internet, DE
  • 2009 - Marginalia : exhibition : Pace Digital Gallery : New York, NY, US
  • 2009 - Abstract Cabinet : exhibition : Eastside Projects : Birmingham, UK
  • 2009 - FILE São Paulo 2009 : exhibition & festival : SESI' Cultural Centre : São Paulo, BR
  • 2009 - After the End / Faux raccords - 18th Rencontres Internationales : exhibition : Tabacalera : Madrid, ES
  • 2009 - FILE Rio 2009 : exhibition & festival : Oi Futuro Cultural Center : Rio de Janeiro, BR
  • 2009 - Friction Research: Investigating ruptures in the art political grid : exhibition : Nictoglobe : Internet, NL
  • 2008 - After the End / Faux raccords - 17th Rencontres Internationales : exhibition : Théâtre Paris Villette, FR
  • 2008 - Vintage : exhibition : MediaMaker venues : Shrewsbury, UK
  • 2008 - Continuum... : urban film installation : CASZuidas - urban screen : Amsterdam, NL
  • 2008 - Media X : exhibition : 1708 Gallery : Richmond, VA, US
  • 2008 - Virtual Physical Bodies : exhibition : Centre des Arts, Enghien-les-Bains : Paris, FR
  • 2008 - HollyWould : exhibition & festival : Freewaves 11th Festival of New Media Arts : Los Angeles, CA, US
  • 2008 - DRHA (Digital Resources for the Humanities and Arts) 2008 : exhibition & conference : University of Cambridge, UK
  • 2008 - Virgin Mobile's 2008 Music Festival : festival : Microcinema International program : Baltimore, MD, US
  • 2008 - FILE São Paulo 2008 : exhibition & festival : SESI' Cultural Centre : São Paulo, BR
  • 2008 - Computational Aesthetics 2008 : exhibition & conference : Lisbon, PT
  • 2008 - Web Flash Festival 2008 : exhibition & festival : Georges Pompidou Center : Paris, FR
  • 2008 - 404 Festival - 5th edition : exhibition & festival : Teatro Miela and Parco di San Giovanni : Trieste, IT
  • 2008 - Data Meanings - 15th Rencontres Internationales : exhibition : El Aguila, Madrid, ES
  • 2008 - Netart Features : exhibition : Javamuseum.org : Various International Venues + Internet, DE
  • 2008 - FILE Rio 2008 : exhibition & festival : Oi Futuro Cultural Center : Rio de Janeiro, BR
  • 2008 - Mixed-Realities : exhibition : Turbulence (Internet, US), Ars Virtua (Second Life), Huret & Spector Gallery, US
  • 2008 - 21st Stuttgarter Filmwinter : exhibition : Stuttgart, DE
  • 2007 - Video Vortex (part II) : exhibition : Netherlands Media Art Institute : Montevideo, Amsterdam, NL
  • 2007 - CYNETart07 : exhibition & festival : Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau : Dresden, DE
  • 2007 - ElectroFringe Online : exhibition & festival : Newcastle, AU
  • 2007 - Festival do Rio : film festival : Rio de Janeiro, BR
  • 2007 - Split Film Festival : exhibition & festival : Split, HR
  • 2007 - Illustrative 07 : exhibition : International Illustration Forum : Villa Elisabeth : Berlin, DE
  • 2007 - FILE São Paulo 2007 : exhibition & festival : SESI 10 : São Paulo, BR
  • 2007 - CGIV07 - 4th International Conference : exhibition & conference : King Mongkut's University of Technology : Bangkok, TH
  • 2007 - Batteries not Included - Mind as Machine? : exhibition : Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery : Shrewsbury, UK
  • 2007 - d/Art07 : exhibition : Australian Centre for Photography : Sydney, AU
  • 2007 - P'Silo Vidéothèque 07 : film festival : Festival Images Contre Nature : Marseille, FR
  • 2007 - IV07 - 11th International Conference : exhibition & conference : Swiss Federal Institute of Technology : Zurich, CH
  • 2007 - Pocket Films Festival : exhibition & festival : Georges Pompidou Center : Paris, FR
  • 2007 - 12th International Media Art Biennale - WRO 07 : exhibition : National Museum : Wroclaw, PL
  • 2007 - WEB3DART 2007 : exhibition : Takeaway Festival : Dana Centre : London, UK
  • 2007 - Media Criticism - 12th Rencontres Internationales : exhibition : Circulo de Bellas Artes : Madrid, ES
  • 2007 - VRML Explorations : exhibition : Visual Mathematics Journal : Internet, RS
  • 2007 - Erosion : exhibition : ENTER_5 - International Festival of Multimedia Art : Siauliai Art Gallery : Siauliai, LT
  • 2007 - Best of Art & Tech from the Lumen Eclipse Archive : exhibition : Boston Cyberarts Festival : Boston, MA, US
  • 2007 - Theatre Without Vanishing Points : exhibition & conference : Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau : Dresden, DE
  • 2007 - WEB3DART 2007 : exhibition : 12th International Conference on 3D Web Technology : University of Perugia, IT
  • 2007 - Undisclosed Recipients : exhibition : Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival : Ithaca, NY, US
  • 2007 - Le Detail/The Detail : exhibition : Incident.net : Internet, FR
  • 2007 - FILE Rio 2007 : exhibition & festival : Oi Futuro Cultural Center : Rio de Janeiro, BR
  • 2007 - Faith in Exposure : exhibition : Netherlands Media Art Institute : Amsterdam, NL
  • 2007 - Mobile Exposure II : film festival : The Crystal Theatre : Missoula, MT, US
  • 2007 - Hz #9 : exhibition : Hz journal : Internet, SE
  • 2007 - WB07 - The Web Biennial 2007 : exhibition : Istanbul Contemporary Art Museum : Internet, TR
  • 2006 - Mobile Exposure II : film screening : Mesa Arts Center : Mesa, AZ, US
  • 2006 - Videomedeja - 10 : exhibition & festival : Museum of Voivodina : Novi Sad, CS
  • 2006 - chico.art.net v.3 : exhibition : California State University, US
  • 2006 - Mobile Exposure II : film screening : The Central Cinema : Seattle, WA, US
  • 2006 - Winter Show : exhibition : Gallery12 Contemporary Arts : London, UK
  • 2006 - Erosion : exhibition : Klaipeda Cultural Communication Center : Bažnyciu, LT
  • 2006 - 11th Rencontres Internationales : exhibition & festival : Paris, FR
  • 2006 - CYNETArt06 : exhibition & festival : Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau : Dresden, DE
  • 2006 - Brighton International Film Festival : film festival : Brighton, UK
  • 2006 - Mathematical Photography & New Media : exhibition : New Image Gallery : James Madison University, VA, US
  • 2006 - Computer Fine Arts : exhibition : Digital Art Museum : Berlin, DE
  • 2006 - Clone Film Festival : film festival : Hämeenlinna, FI
  • 2006 - Mobile Exposure II : film screening : Project 101 : Paris, FR
  • 2006 - VAD06 (Video & Digital Arts International) Festival : exhibition & festival : Girona, ES
  • 2006 - Ooglive : exhibition & festival : Amsterdam, NL
  • 2006 - Split Film Festival : exhibition & festival : Split, HR
  • 2006 - Glossolalia : exhibition : Gallery Aferro : Newark, NJ, US
  • 2006 - DRHA (Digital Resources for the Humanities and Arts) 2006 : exhibition & conference : Dartington College of Arts, UK
  • 2006 - FILE 2006 : exhibition & festival : SESI Gallery : São Paulo, BR
  • 2006 - Dallas Video Festival 19 : film festival : Dallas, TX, US
  • 2006 - Mobile Exposure II : film compilation : Microcinema International, US
  • 2006 - Intersections : exhibition : SIGGRAPH 2006 Art Gallery : Boston Convention Center : Boston, MA, US
  • 2006 - D-ART 06 Gallery : exhibition & conference : International Conference on Information Visualization : London, UK
  • 2006 - Net Art Open 2006 : exhibition : Stunned.org : Internet, IE
  • 2006 - Darklight Film Festival : exhibition & festival : Irish Film Institute : Dublin, IE
  • 2006 - WEB3DART 2006 : exhibition : Experimental Art Foundation : Adelaide, AU
  • 2006 - Net:Reality : UK touring exhibition : Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery : Shrewsbury, UK
  • 2006 - Flare : media production : TEN4 DVD and magazine : Channel 4 IdeasFactory, UK
  • 2006 - Cybersonica 06 : exhibition & festival : Dana Centre : London, UK
  • 2006 - Decade [prototypes] : exhibition : Herbert Art Gallery : Coventry, UK
  • 2006 - Kino Tek : film festival : 49th San Francisco International Film Festival : CA, US
  • 2006 - WEB3DART 2006 : exhibition : 11th International Conference on 3D Web Technology : Columbia, MD, US
  • 2006 - Net:Reality : UK touring exhibition : Brindley Arts Centre : Cheshire, UK
  • 2006 - Spectacles of the Real : exhibition : University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US
  • 2006 - ARTIFICIAL A.GENDER? : exhibition : Internet, US
  • 2006 - re_collection : featured artist - March 06 : Fringexhibitions.com : Internet, US
  • 2006 - Spark Festival of Electronic Music and Art : exhibition : University of Minnesota : Minneapolis, MN, US
  • 2006 - Mobile Exposure I : film screening : Modified Arts : Phoenix, AZ, US
  • 2006 - Mobile Exposure I : film screening : Central Cinema : Seattle, WA, US
  • 2006 - February Programme : film broadcast : Wildlight channel : 3G mobile networks, IE
  • 2006 - Culture Bound : exhibition : The East Wing Collection No.7 : The Courtauld Institute of Art : London, UK
  • 2006 - Net:Reality : UK touring exhibition : Peterborough Museum & Art Gallery : Peterborough, UK
  • 2005 - Mobile Exposure I : film screening : Miami Beach Cinematheque : Miami Beach, FL, US
  • 2005 - re_collection : exhibition : Lumen Eclipse - Urban Gallery : Cambridge, MA, US
  • 2005 - Third Iteration : exhibition & conference : Melbourne, AU
  • 2005 - 10th Rencontres Internationales : exhibition & festival : Paris, FR
  • 2005 - Net:Reality : UK touring exhibition : Q-Arts Gallery : Derby, UK
  • 2005 - VAD05 (Video & Digital Arts International) Festival : exhibition & festival : Girona, ES
  • 2005 - Nokia/Darklight Pocket Movies Challenge : Darklight Film Festival : film festival : Dublin, IE
  • 2005 - International Digital Art Awards 2005 : exhibition : Beijing Film Academy : Beijing, CN
  • 2005 - FILE 2005 : exhibition & festival : SESI Gallery : São Paulo, BR
  • 2005 - BIG BLIP 05 : exhibition & festival : Brighton, UK
  • 2005 - TV.SKY : film screening : Nottingham, UK
  • 2005 - Mobile Exposure I : film screening : DiverseWorks : Houston, TX, US
  • 2005 - Pixel Pops : exhibition : City Gallery : New Haven, Connecticut, US
  • 2005 - selected internet works : exhibition : featured artist : Pendugallery.com : Internet, US
  • 2005 - VideoLisboa#5 : exhibition & festival : Lisboa, PT
  • 2005 - Project Features - 7th issue : exhibition : Nmartproject.net : Internet, DE
  • 2005 - Mobile Exposure I : film compilation : Microcinema International, US
  • 2005 - Mobile : exhibition : Arena Gallery : Liverpool, UK
  • 2005 - Mediatopia2 : exhibition : Mediatopia.net : Internet, UK
  • 2005 - International Media Art Festival : exhibition : Armenian Center for Contemporary Experimental Art : Yerevan, AM
  • 2005 - Le Nu/The Nude : exhibition : Incident.net : Internet, FR
  • 2005 - CGiV05 [Computer Graphics, Imaging & Vision] Gallery : exhibition & conference : Beijing, CN
  • 2005 - Net:Reality : UK touring exhibition : 20-21 Visual Art Centre : Scunthorpe, UK
  • 2005 - prog:ME - Festival of Electronic Media : exhibition : Centro Cultural Telemar : Rio de Janeiro, BR
  • 2005 - Future Landscapes : exhibition : Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery : Shrewsbury, UK
  • 2005 - Transigence : exhibition : Folly Media Centre : Lancaster, UK
  • 2005 - EAST International 2005 : exhibition : Norwich Gallery, Norwich School of Art & Design : Norwich, UK
  • 2005 - [ FALLUJAH . IRAQ . 31/03/2004 ] : gate-page : Critical-Mas.tv : Internet, UK
  • 2005 - Thailand 3rd New Media Arts Festival 2005 : exhibition & festival : Bangkok, TH
  • 2005 - Salón de Arte Digital - IV : exhibition : Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del Zulia : Maracaibo, VE
  • 2005 - Screenshot(s) : exhibition : Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery : Shrewsbury, UK
  • 2005 - Transigence : exhibition : Dana Centre : London, UK
  • 2005 - International Digital Art Awards 2005 : exhibition : Margaret Lawrence Galleries : University of Melbourne, AU
  • 2005 - Images Festival 2005 : exhibition & festival : Toronto, CA
  • 2005 - Extasy : exhibition : Javamuseum.org : Various International Venues + Internet, DE
  • 2005 - International Digital Art Awards 2005 : exhibition : Academy Gallery : University of Tasmania, AU
  • 2005 - Videoformes : exhibition & festival : Musée du Ranquet de Clermont-Ferrand : Clermont-Ferrand, FR
  • 2005 - art keywords : collaborative project : No-Org.net : Internet, IL
  • 2005 - Transigence : exhibition : Watershed Media Centre, Bristol, UK
  • 2005 - 18th Stuttgarter Filmwinter : exhibition & festival : Stuttgart, DE
  • 2005 - WB05 - The Web Biennial 2005 : exhibition : Istanbul Contemporary Art Museum : Internet, TR
  • 2004 - WebArt : exhibition : Montenegro National Museum : Cetinje, CS
  • 2004 - Present Simple Tense : exhibition : Internet, CS
  • 2004 - International Festival of Electronic Art 404 : exhibition & festival : Rosario, AR
  • 2004 - Iraq - the war & postwar period : exhibition : Newmediafest.org : Internet, DE
  • 2004 - Spectrum III : UK touring exhibition : Worcester City Art Gallery & Museum : Worcester, UK
  • 2004 - FILE 2004 : exhibition & festival : SESI Gallery : São Paulo, BR
  • 2004 - 60-seconds : exhibition : Darklight Film Festival : Dublin, IE
  • 2004 - Regime Change : exhibition : ATHICA Virtual Gallery : Internet, US
  • 2004 - Technography - New Forms Festival 2004 : exhibition & festival : Vancouver, CA
  • 2004 - Net Art Open 2004 : exhibition : Stunned.org : Internet, IE
  • 2004 - The Art of the Words : exhibition : Fairfields Arts Centre : Basingstoke, UK
  • 2004 - Videomedeja - .infinity : exhibition & festival : Museum of Voivodina : Novi Sad, CS
  • 2004 - Luksuz Film Festival : film festival : Krško, SI
  • 2004 - Ignition 2004 : exhibition & conference : Acorn Theatre : Penzance, UK
  • 2004 - F5 Reload : exhibition : Internet + Center of Visual Arts of Santiago, CL
  • 2004 - 60-seconds : exhibition : Space-twotentwo : London, UK
  • 2004 - Infinite Fill : exhibition : Foxy Production Gallery : New York, NY, US
  • 2004 - 60-seconds : 291 exhibition : Gallery : London, UK
  • 2004 - Memefest 2004 : exhibition & festival : memefest.org : Internet, AT
  • 2004 - Media Forum - XXVI Moscow International Film Festival : exhibition & festival : Moscow, RU
  • 2004 - Digital Visions 2004 : exhibition : University of British Columbia : Internet, CA
  • 2004 - 11th Visual Arts Biennial : exhibition : New Media Centre, Gallery of Contemporary Art : Pancevo, CS
  • 2004 - coded cultures : exhibition : MuseumsQuartier, Vienna, AT
  • 2004 - SeNef2004 - 5th Seoul Net & Film Festival : exhibition & festival : Seoul, KR
  • 2004 - Pathiharn Electron [Supernatural] : exhibition & festival : CMU Art Museum : Chiangmai, TH
  • 2004 - Thailand New Media Art Festival 2004 : exhibition & festival : Srinakarinwirot University : Bangkok, TH
  • 2004 - Machinista 2004 : exhibition & festival : Internet, UK
  • 2004 - no/copy/right : exhibition : No-Org.net : Internet, IL
  • 2004 - Beauty and the Beast : exhibition : ATHICA Virtual Gallery : Internet, US
  • 2004 - Re:<o><o> : exhibition : Access Artist Run Center : Calgary, Alberta, CA
  • 2004 - Spectrum III : touring exhibition : Phillips Gallery - Brewhouse Art Centre : Taunton, UK
  • 2004 - Netart from the Great Britain and Ireland : exhibition : Javamuseum.org : Internet, DE
  • 2003 - Esthetic of Tragedy : exhibition : The Museum of the Essential & Beyond That : Internet, BR
  • 2003 - ICONography : exhibition : Turbulence.org : Internet, US
  • 2003 - Fun : exhibition : Third Place Gallery : Internet, US
  • 2003 - Spectrum III : UK touring exhibition : Q-Arts Gallery : Derby, UK
  • 2003 - Technology in Art : exhibition : Olin Fine Arts Center : W&J College, US
  • 2003 - MAD'03 : exhibition & festival : Internet + Madrid, ES
  • 2003 - Emotions : exhibition : Third Place Gallery : Internet, US
  • 2003 - Open Gate - Nordicliveart : festival : Göteborg Art Hall : Internet + Göteborg, SE
  • 2003 - FILE 2003 : exhibition & festival : São Paulo, BR
  • 2003 - Arte Digital Rosario 2003 : exhibition & festival : Rosario, AR
  • 2003 - Digital Visions 2003 : exhibition : University of British Columbia : Internet, CA
  • 2003 - Trampoline 010503 : exhibition : Broadway : Nottingham, UK
  • 2003 - LUX Open 2003 : film festival : Royal College of Art : London, UK
  • 2003 - Reel Live : film festival : Cinematheque : Brighton, UK
  • 2003 - Chiangmai New Media Art Festival : exhibition & festival : CMU Art Museum : Chiangmai, TH
  • 2003 - Turbulence.org : artist studio : Internet, US
  • 2003 - 6th Media Arts Festival exhibition : exhibition & festival : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography : Tokyo, JP
  • 2002 - The Cyber-Kitchen : exhibition : Internet, UK
  • 2002 - LSA Exhibition : exhibition : Warwickshire Artsweek : Warwickshire, UK
  • 2002 - Spectrum II : exhibition : Broadway Media Centre + Heathcote Arts : Nottingham, UK
  • 2001 - Light Fantastic : exhibition : Roadmender : Northampton, UK
  • 2000 - Spectrum : exhibition : Turtle Arts Gallery : Nottingham, UK
  • 2000 - Eclectic : exhibition : Aartvark Gallery : Dewsbury, UK
  • 1999 - Heart of England Biennial : exhibition : Herbert Art Gallery & Museum : Coventry, UK
  • 1997 - The 1st Act : exhibition : The Atrium : Birmingham, UK

Awards/Grants: (selected, 20+ total)

  • 2021 - Arts Council England : Developing your Creative Practice - Visual Arts : UK
  • 2020 - Arts Council England : Emergency Response Fund for Artists : UK
  • 2017 - Centre for the Critical Study of Apocalyptic & Millenarian Movements (CenSAMM) : Artist in Residence Award : UK
  • 2017 - British Library : British Library Labs 2017 Artistic Award : UK
  • 2016 - Arts Council England : Artists’ International Development Fund : UK
  • 2016 - British Library Labs : Artist-Researcher in Residence Award : UK
  • 2015 - Lumen Prize 2015 : Immersive Environments Award : UK
  • 2015 - Bogdanka Poznanovic Award : best media installation - Videomedeja 19 : CS
  • 2013 - King's College London : Culture & Innovation Programme - Creative Futures Award : UK
  • 2012 - The Leverhulme Trust : Artist in Residence Award (Visual Art) - with KCL : UK
  • 2012 - King's College London : Culture & Innovation Programme - Creative Futures Award : UK
  • 2009 - Arts Council England : Digital Content Development Programme - with Eastside Projects, BCU and KCL : UK
  • 2009 - Arts Council England : Grants for the Arts - New Media : UK
  • 2008 - Arts Council England : Grants for the Arts - New Media : UK
  • 2007 - Esmée Fairbairn Foundation : Arts & Heritage Grant : UK
  • 2006 - Arts Council England : Grants for the Arts - New Media : UK
  • 2005 - Arts Council England : Grants for the Arts - New Media : UK
  • 2005 - Arts Council England : Grants for the Arts - Contemporary Dance and New Media : UK
  • 2004 - FILE 2004 : 1st Place - Internet Art : BR
  • 2004 - Arts Council England : Grants for the Arts - New Media : UK
  • 2002 - 6th Japan Media Arts Festival, Agency for Cultural Affairs : Nominated Work - Web : JP
  • 2002 - West Midlands Arts : Creative Ambitions Award - Digital Media : UK
  • 2000 - West Midlands Arts : Creative Ambitions Award - Digital Media : UK
  • 1998 - West Midlands Arts : Creative Ambitions Award - Contemporary Art : UK

Artwork Commissions: (selected, 40+ total)

  • 2024 - Un/familiar Terrain{s} : solo exhibition : commissioned by The Henry Luce III Center for the Arts & Religion, US
  • 2021 - [re]Encoding the Archive : solo exhibition : commissioned by The National Archives, UK
  • 2021 - Imaginary Landscapes – Timișoara : media installation : commissioned by Asociatia Culturala Contrasens & Univ de Vest Timișoara, RO
  • 2019 - Sea Watch : media installation : commissioned by Hå Gamle Prestegard, NO
  • 2019 - Imaginary Cities - Chongqing : VR installation : co-commissioned by The British Library & Dept for International Trade, UK
  • 2019 - Data Flow (River Lea) : media installation : commissioned by Museum of London, UK
  • 2019 - Imaginary Cities : solo exhibition : commissioned by The British Library and the Eccles Centre for American Studies, UK
  • 2018 - Zero Tolerance : media installation : commissioned by the Undocumented project, MT, US
  • 2017 - Lamentation for the Forsaken v2.0 : media installation : commissioned by the Stations of the Cross project (Washington DC), US
  • 2016 - Lamentation for the Forsaken v1.0 : media installation : commissioned by the Stations of the Cross project (London), UK
  • 2014 - The Nether Realm : virtual/physical installation : commissioned by Headlong, UK
  • 2014 - PRISM : new media installation : co-commissioned by Headlong, UK & Cultural Institute at King’s College London, UK
  • 2013 - Data_Sea v2.0 : full-dome (planetarium) installation : commissioned by Victoria & Albert Museum, UK
  • 2012 - Deconstructed Metaverse : virtual/physical installation : commissioned by The Cutting Room, UK
  • 2011 - Visions of Our Communal Dreams : virtual/physical installation : co-commissioned by b>d>s & the National Theatre, UK
  • 2011 - InsuranceAES256 : media artwork : commissioned by QUAD, UK
  • 2010 - (in)Remembrance [11-M] : contemporary art project : commissioned by the Manifesta Foundation, NL
  • 2010 - Vanishing Point(s) : site-specific installation : commissioned by Digital Humanities 2010, UK
  • 2010 - Communion v2.0 : media artwork : commissioned by Digital Humanities 2010, UK
  • 2009 - Changing Room v1.0 : virtual/physical installation : commissioned by Eastside Projects, UK
  • 2009 - Data Double (El Lissitzky iteration) : virtual/physical installation : commissioned by Eastside Projects, UK
  • 2009 - Data_Sea v1.0 : full-dome (planetarium) installation : commissioned by Thinktank Science Museum, UK
  • 2008 - Last Days... : media artwork : commissioned by Oog online, De Volkskrant, NL
  • 2008 - Data_Sphere : virtual/physical installation : commissioned by the Brindley Art Centre, UK
  • 2008 - The Vitruvian World : virtual/physical installation : commissioned by Turbulence.org, US
  • 2007 - Rhythmic Space(s) : virtual/physical installation-performance : commissioned by TMA Hellerau, DE
  • 2007 - Continuum... : media artwork : commissioned by Oog online, De Volkskrant, NL
  • 2007 - Addressable Memory : UK solo touring exhibition : commissioned by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, UK
  • 2006 - Headlines... : media artwork : commissioned by Oog online, De Volkskrant, NL
  • 2006 - Monolith[s] : media artwork : commissioned by Turbulence.org, US
  • 2006 - World[s] : media artwork : commissioned by Soundtoys.net, UK
  • 2006 - {transcription} : media installation : commissioned by Courtauld Institute of Art, UK
  • 2005 - Communion v1.0 : site-specific sculptural installation : commissioned by 20-21 Visual Arts Centre, UK
  • 2005 - Data_cosm : media artwork : commissioned by 20-21 Visual Arts Centre for Net:Reality, UK
  • 2005 - [FALLUJAH.IRAQ.31/03/2004] v2.0 : new media artwork : commissioned by East International 2005, UK
  • 2004 - Voice-lab.org : interactive web interface : commissioned by Dictanet.de, DE
  • 2004 - [retrospection] : media installation : commissioned by MediaMaker, UK
  • 2004 - <event> : media artwork : commissioned by Turbulence.org, US
  • 2001 - [element]s : modular light-sculpture : commissioned by the Brewhouse Arts Centre, UK
  • 2000 - in•ter•face : urban screen installation : commissioned by GMI London, UK
  • 2000 - Text Abstraction II : digital print mural : commissioned by IPH Litho (Coventry) Ltd., UK
  • 1999 - Archive : public installation : commissioned by Primrose Computers for the Warwick & Leamington Festival, UK

Art/Academic Publications: (selected, 20+ total)

  • 2024 - Bowen & Giannini (eds) : (chapter in) The Arts and Computational Culture… : Springer, US : ISBN 9783031538643
  • 2021 - Bowen, et. al. : (2K article in) Proceedings of EVA London 2021 : BCS, UK : DOI 10.14236/ewic/EVA2021.2
  • 2020 - Hodkinson & Horstkotte (eds) : (3K article in) Poetics Today v.41 i.3 : Duke University Press, US : ISSN 03335372
  • 2019 - Michael Takeo Magruder (ed) : Imaginary Cities : artbook : The British Library, UK : London, UK : ISBN 9780712344876
  • 2016 - E. Foden-Lenahan (ed) : (5K article in) Art Libraries Journal v.41 i.1 : Cambridge University Press, UK : ISSN 03074722
  • 2014 - Kim & Park (eds.) : (chapter in) NJP Reader #5 : Nam June Paik Art Center, KR : ISSN 20929315
  • 2014 - Delve & Anderson (eds) : (chapter in) Preserving Complex Digital Objects : Facet, UK : ISBN 978-1856049580
  • 2014 - Michael Takeo Magruder : PRISM : artbook : School of Arts & Humanities, King’s College London, UK : ISBN 9781897747308
  • 2012 - Michael Takeo Magruder : (re)mediation_s 2000-2010 : monograph : Peterborough Museum, UK : ISBN 9780905952086
  • 2012 - L. Konstantelos, et. al. (eds) : (chapter in) POCOS vol.2 : University of Portsmouth, UK : ISBN 978861376209
  • 2011 - D. Collins(ed) : (5K article in) International Journal of Performance Arts & Digital Media v.7 i.2 : Intellect, UK : ISSN 14794713
  • 2011 - Michael Takeo Magruder : InsuranceAES256 : artbook : QUAD publishing, UK : ISBN 9780955353864
  • 2010 - Michael Takeo Magruder : (in)Remembrance [11-M] : artbook : Murcia Cultural, S.A., ES : ISBN 978-8496898851
  • 2010 - Brandstetter & Wiens (eds) : (chapter in) Theatre without Vanishing Points : Alexander Verlag, DE : ISBN 9783895812279
  • 2009 - F. Schroederer (ed) : (chapter in) Performing Technology : Cambridge Scholars, UK : ISBN 9781443814454
  • 2008 - Boddington/Cuisinier/Roland (eds) : (chapter in) Virtual/Physical Bodies : CDA, FR : ISBN 9782916639093
  • 2007 - Birringer/Dumke/Nicolai (eds) : (chapter in) Die Welt als virtuelles Environment : TMA, DE : ISBN 3981024729
  • 2005 - Michael Takeo Magruder (ed) : Net:Reality : exhibition catalogue : 20-21 Visual Arts Centre, UK
  • 2003 - Michael Takeo Magruder : [element]al : artbook : self-published, UK
  • 2001 - Michael Takeo Magruder : [element]s : multi-media art CD : self-published, UK
  • 2001 - Michael Takeo Magruder : ¿ikon? : multi-media art CD : self-published, UK
  • 1999 - Michael Takeo Magruder : Archive : artbook : self-published, UK

Art/Academic Lectures, Presentations and Events: (selected, 170+ total)

  • 2024 - Tuesday Talk : panel discussion with Brendan Dawes & Ira Greenberg : Gazelli Art House, London, UK
  • 2024 - Lamentation for the Forsaken : Good Friday public service : Christ Church Cranbrook, Detroit, US
  • 2023 - Art + Archives : seminar & discussion : Sussex Digital Humanities Lab : University of Sussex, UK
  • 2023 - Time to Meet the Maker? AI & the Future of Art : keynote lecture with Prof Aaron Rosen : Flint Institute of Arts, MI, US
  • 2023 - Sea Watch : artwork screening & discussion : The Parsonage : Searsport Artwalk, ME, US
  • 2023 - Artistic Unveiling[s] : pop-up exhibition & talk : Co-Lab 1.0 : University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
  • 2023 - Reimagining the Archive : pop-up exhibition, talk & panel discussion : Making Visible the Storeroom : University of Brighton, UK
  • 2023 - Border Crossing[s] : pop-up exhibition & in-conversation with C. Martinez & Dr N. El-Mecky : Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, ES
  • 2022 - Art as Record : talk & panel discussion : British Records Association : London, UK
  • 2022 - VR Art in the Post-Digital Age : lecture & discussion : Facultatea de Arte și Design : Universitatea de Vest Timișoara, RO
  • 2021 - The Art of Unveiling : masterclass : School of Divinity: University of St Andrews, UK
  • 2021 - Exploring Computational Media in Contemporary Art Practice : discussion-workshop : Asociatia Culturala Contrasens : Timișoara, RO
  • 2021 - Virtual/Physical Landscapes : keynote lecture : Facultatea de Arte și Design : Universitatea de Vest Timișoara, RO
  • 2021 - Beyond Human... between reality and virtuality in a post-Covid-19 world : virtual panel discussion : EVA London 2021 : London, UK
  • 2021 - Time Machines, Museums and The Future Of The Past : virtual panel discussion : SXSW Online 2021 : Austin, TX, US
  • 2021 - Environmental Justice : virtual in-conversation with Dr Carolyn Rosen : Wesley Theological Seminary : Washington DC, US
  • 2021 - Interfaith Dialogue & the Arts Today : virtual in-conversation with Dr Aaron Rosen : Wesley Theological Seminary : Washington DC, US
  • 2020 - Art and Religion : virtual in-conversation with Dr Aaron Rosen : Gazelli Art House : London, UK
  • 2020 - Using British Library Digital Collections : virtual in-conversation with Jamie Andrews : Leeds Digital Festival, UK
  • 2019 - Reflections on Contemporary VR Art : in-conversation with Mark Farid & Živa Kleindienst : KIBLIX 2019 : MMC KIBLA, Maribor, SI
  • 2019 - VR Art in the Post-Digital Age : lecture : KIBLIX 2019 : MMC KIBLA, Maribor, SI
  • 2019 - Data | Culture : keynote lecture : Network Week 2019 : Royal Academy of Art, Den Haag, NL
  • 2019 - Building a Market for VR Artworks : panel discussion : Gazelli Art House : London, UK
  • 2019 - Prototype Lab : contributor : Art (I)Relevance - AI and art futures symposium : Barbican Centre, London, UK
  • 2019 - Imaginary Cities : presentation & in-conversation with Jamie Andrews : Chongqing Library, Chongqing, CN
  • 2019 - Imaginary Cities : in-conversation with Phil Hatfield & Foteini Aravani : British Library Centre of Conservation: British Library, London, UK
  • 2019 - Secret Rivers - mapping the waters : artist talk & panel : Museum of London – Docklands, London, UK
  • 2019 - Appropriating Digital Culture : talk & panel : School of Law, Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK
  • 2019 - Imaginary Cities : artist talk & panel : British Library Knowledge Centre : British Library, London, UK
  • 2019 - Remembrance, Awareness & Reflection : lecture : Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London, UK
  • 2018 - Zero Tolerance : in-conversation with Rev Dr Carolyn Rosen : St Luke's Episcopal Church, Billings, MT, US
  • 2018 - Heritage in Real-time panel : Random String symposium : Warwick Arts Centre, University of Warwick, UK
  • 2018 - Imaginary Cities : presentation : British Library Labs symposium : British Library, London, UK
  • 2018 - Decoding Data : lecture : Fine Art Research Group, School of Arts, Oxford Brookes University, UK
  • 2018 - Imaginary Cities : presentation : Building Library Labs : British Library, London, UK
  • 2018 - Enter Through the Headset 3 : panel discussion : Gazelli Art House, London, UK
  • 2018 - Art, Immigration and Memory : in-conversation with Dr Aaron Rosen & Sherri Cornett : Art House Cinema, Billings, MT, US
  • 2018 - Zero Tolerance : in-conversation with Rev Dr Carolyn Rosen : St Stephens Episcopal Church, Billings, MT, US
  • 2018 - Rector’s Forum : in-conversation with Rev Canon Dr William Danaher : Christ Church Cranbrook, Detroit, MI, US
  • 2018 - Lamentation for the Forsaken : in-conversation with Dr Rouzana Hares & Natasha T. Miller : Christ Church Cranbrook, Detroit, MI, US
  • 2018 - And I Will Take You to Paradise : artist talk with Elin Melberg : Art Museum KUBE, Ålesund, NO
  • 2018 - De/coding the Apocalypse : artist talk : Panacea Museum, Bedford, UK
  • 2018 - Materialising Data : lecture : Digital Humanities Lab : Universities of Brighton & Sussex, UK
  • 2017 - A New Jerusalem : process showing & panel : Jerusalem in Cinema & Culture - Imaginary Palimpsest conference : Tel Aviv University, IL
  • 2017 - Imaginary Cities : presentation : British Library Labs Symposium : British Library, London, UK
  • 2017 - De/Coding the Apocalypse : keynote lecture : Apocalypse and Authenticity conference : University of Hull, UK
  • 2017 - Virtual/Physical Art : keynote presentation : VRUK conference : Ravensbourne, London, UK
  • 2017 - Beyond Illusion & Immersion : presentation : Interfaces Monthly 06 : The Trampery Republic, London, UK
  • 2017 - Lamentation for the Forsaken : in-conversation with Rev Prof James Farwell : Virginia Theological Seminary, US
  • 2017 - Revelation & Lamentation : keynote lecture : Deep Calls to Deep conference : Virginia Theological Seminary, VA, US
  • 2017 - A New Jerusalem : pop-up exhibition & in-conversation with Rev Dr Carolyn Rosen : (Post)secular conference : Coventry Cathedral, UK
  • 2017 - Imaginary Cities : presentation : British Library Labs Roadshow : University of Birmingham, UK
  • 2017 - Imaginary Cities : presentation : British Library Labs Roadshow : University of Warwick, UK
  • 2017 - Imaginary Cities : sharing & discussion event : Gazelli Art House, London, UK
  • 2017 - Remix . Reinterpret . Reimagine : keynote lecture : Universitatea de Arta si Design din Cluj-Napoca, RO
  • 2017 - Lamentation for the Forsaken : in-conversation with Rev Dr Carolyn Rosen : Stations of the Cross events : Church of the Epiphany, DC, US
  • 2016 - Spaces for Imagination : presentation : Accelerating Human Imagination workshop : University of Liverpool in London, UK
  • 2016 - Viewer as User as Player : presentation/panel : City | Space | Video Games : Museum of London, UK
  • 2016 - Imaginary Cities : presentation : British Library Labs Symposium : British Library, London, UK
  • 2016 - Data Flower : art-technology display : Data Art Gallery @ Dell EMC World international trade fair : Austin, TX, US
  • 2016 - Aesthetic Archives : presentation : Group for Literary Archives and Manuscripts (GLAM) : British Library, London, UK
  • 2016 - Virtual Datascapes & Hidden Dataflows : keynote presentation : #HackersMeetMrRobot @ Lumen Prize : Hackney House, London, UK
  • 2016 - Virtual Reality in Contemporary Art : panel moderation : Lumen Prize Winners Gala : Hackney House, London, UK
  • 2016 - Reflections on The Nether Realm : keynote presentation with Dr Sarah Grochala : Artful Spark #04 Mixed Reality : Barbican, London, UK
  • 2016 - Performing Interaction: Space, Place & Time : panel : British HCI 2016 conference : Bournemouth University, UK
  • 2016 - Recreating Culture : lecture : Technology, Arts & Culture symposium : King’s College London, UK
  • 2016 - Virtual Reality Art : presentation : Lumen Prize seminar @ Creative Tech Week NYC : St Francis College, Brooklyn, NYC, NY, US
  • 2016 - The Digital Hearth : panel : Lumen Prize seminar @ Creative Tech Week NYC : St Francis College, Brooklyn, NYC, NY, US
  • 2016 - Cyberdelics salon : panel : Virtual Futures in collaboration with PsychFi : Lights of Soho, London, UK
  • 2016 - Stations of the Cross : pilgrimage with Cardinal V. Nichols and Bishop R. Chartres : Stations of the Cross events series : London, UK
  • 2016 - Discover & Explore: Soul : service/discussion : Stations of the Cross events : St Stephen Walbrook, London, UK
  • 2016 - Exploring Live Data & Digital Archives : presentation : The Archivist as Interpreter conference : British Library, London, UK
  • 2016 - Grief and Hope: Reflecting on the Refugee Crisis : lecture : Stations of the Cross events : St Stephen Walbrook, London, UK
  • 2016 - Virtualising the White Cube : lecture : VRUK conference : Ravensbourne, London, UK
  • 2015 - Reconstructed Culture : keynote lecture : School of Fine Art, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK
  • 2015 - Reconstructed Culture : keynote lecture : Computers and History of Art (CHArt) 2015 conference : King’s College London, UK
  • 2015 - The Horse as Technology : art-technology display : EuroMold international trade fair : Messe Düsseldorf, DE
  • 2015 - (in)Remembrance : presentation : London Arts & Humanities Partnership research day : Senate House, London, UK
  • 2015 - A New Jerusalem : presentation/art-technology display : CineGlobe film festival : CERN, Geneva, CH
  • 2015 - Online Policing and The Dark Web : panel : Headlong : Duke of York Theatre, London, UK
  • 2015 - Aestheticizing Data/Archives : presentation : Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London, UK
  • 2015 - Living Data / Living Archives : lecture : Big Ideas talk series : The National Archives, London, UK
  • 2014 - De/coding the Apocalypse : symposium : Department of Theology, King’s College London, UK
  • 2014 - De/coding the Apocalypse : lecture : Computer Arts Society (CAS) lecture series : British Computer Society, London, UK
  • 2014 - New Media | New Possibilities : lecture : Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London, UK
  • 2014 - Aesthetic Archive[s] : lecture : Archives & Society seminar series : Institute of Historical Research, Senate House, London, UK
  • 2014 - Media.Art.Culture : lecture : Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London, UK
  • 2014 - De/coding the Apocalypse : in-conversation with Alfredo Cramerotti : The Cultural Institute, King’s College London, UK
  • 2014 - PRISM : lecture : Life of Digital Double - Paik-Orwell Club, Warez Academy #6 : Nam June Paik Art Center, Seoul, KR
  • 2014 - Living Data . Living Archives : presentation/panel : Digital Data and Artistic Expression : British Library, London, UK
  • 2014 - Aesthetic Narratives . Aesthetic Insights : research seminar : Royal College of Art, London, UK
  • 2014 - Reproduction/Remixing/Redistribution : anchor lecture : Material Witness programme : King’s College London, UK
  • 2014 - The Aesthetic Archive : public sharing/discussion event : Cultural Institute, King’s College London, UK
  • 2014 - Living Data : in-conversation public event with Simon Poulter : Peterborough Museum & Art Gallery, UK
  • 2014 - New Data . New Narratives : lecture : Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London, UK
  • 2014 - Photography's Status in a Digital World : roundtable discussion curated by Alfredo Cramerotti : King’s College London, UK
  • 2013 - Art, Archives & Remembrance : presentation to Rwandan High Commission, Rwandan Genocide Archive : King’s College London, UK
  • 2013 - Blended Media . Blended Contexts : lecture : Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London, UK
  • 2013 - Reconstructing Dataflow(s) : presentation/panel : Data Visualisation workshop, Technology Strategy Board : Nesta, London, UK
  • 2013 - Visions of Our Communal Dreams : workshop/process showing : Robots & Avatars programme : Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn, EE
  • 2013 - Visions of Our Communal Dreams : workshop/process showing : Robots & Avatars programme : Watermans Art Centre, London, UK
  • 2013 - Art ~ Technology ~ Research : presentation : The Aesthetic Archive programme : BBC, Broadcasting House, London, UK
  • 2013 - Real-time Histories of Conquest, War, Famine & Death : roundtable : Department of Theology, King’s College London, UK
  • 2013 - (re)Mixing (big)Data : presentation : AHRC - Digital Transformations in the Arts & Humanities programme : London, UK
  • 2013 - Robots & Avatars : public forum/workshop : KIBLA Multimedijski Center, Maribor, SI
  • 2013 - Data Flower : workshop/process showing : Digital Design Drop-in series : Victoria and Albert Museum, London, UK
  • 2013 - The Aesthetic Archive : presentation : The Aesthetic Archive programme : Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London, UK
  • 2013 - Real-time Histories of Conquest, War, Famine & Death : research seminar : Department of Theology, King’s College London, UK
  • 2012 - (de)Constructing Dataflows : presentation/discussion : E-Flux reading session : Nottingham Contemporary, UK
  • 2012 - Real-time Histories of Conquest, War, Famine & Death : research seminar : Department of Theology, King’s College London, UK
  • 2012 - Visions of Our Communal Dreams : process showing : AHRC - Digital Transformations Moot : Mermaid Conference Centre, London, UK
  • 2012 - New(s) Media : lecture : Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London, UK
  • 2012 - Art & Revelation : lecture : Department of Theology, King’s College London, UK
  • 2012 - Intersections and Creative Collisions : lecture : Arts & Humanities Festival, King’s College London, UK
  • 2012 - Death and Art : philosophy salon : part of the Inside Out Festival : National Portrait Gallery, London, UK
  • 2012 - Robots & Avatars : public forum and workshops : KIBLA Multimedijski Center, Maribor, SI
  • 2012 - Processes of Creation : presentation : Robots & Avatars seminar : Europe House, London, UK
  • 2012 - Practice-led Research : roundtable discussion : Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London, UK
  • 2012 - Meet the Artists - Robots & Avatars : panel : Foundation for Art and Creative Technology (FACT), Liverpool, UK
  • 2011 - Beyond Aesthetics and Technologies : lecture : Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London, UK
  • 2011 - Interpretive Visualisation(s) : presentation : Music Visualisation workshop : Department of Music, King’s College London, UK
  • 2011 - Between Code and Space : lecture : Preservation Of Complex Objects Symposia (POCOS) #2 : The Lighthouse, Glasgow, UK
  • 2011 - Art in Virtual Worlds : presentation : From Black Box to Second Life symposium : School of Arts and New Media, University of Hull, UK
  • 2011 - (re)Constructing Genres : lecture : Digital Opera symposium : Department of Music, University of York, UK
  • 2011 - Archaeology for Screen Media : lecture : Department of Drama (Theatre, Film, Television), University of Bristol, UK
  • 2010 - Visualisation and Contemporary Art : lecture : Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King’s College London, UK
  • 2010 - New Directions in Arts & Humanities Practice : lecture : Centre for Culture/Media/Creative Industries, King’s College London, UK
  • 2010 - (in)Remembrance : performance/discussion : The Arts Assembly @ Manifesta 8 : Los Molinos Auditorium, Murcia, ES
  • 2010 - Robots & Avatars : panel : Digital Resources for the Humanities and Arts (DRHA) 2010 : Brunel University, UK
  • 2010 - Robots & Avatars - Behaviours and Ethics : debate provocateur : Robots & Avatars programme : Nesta, London, UK
  • 2010 - Vanishing Points : lecture : Artistic Research & Experimentation in Digital Media symposium : London School of Economics, UK
  • 2010 - Art & Virtual Wolds : presentation : UKIYO (Moveable World) workshop #1 : Brunel University, UK
  • 2010 - Robots & Avatars - Collaborative Futures : presentation/panel : Robots & Avatars programme : Kinetica Art Fair, P3, London, UK
  • 2010 - Changing Room : presentation : ESP salon : Eastside Projects, Birmingham, UK
  • 2009 - Research Councils UK E-Science Review : process showing : Imperial College London, UK
  • 2009 - Robots & Avatars Forum : presentation/process showing : Robots & Avatars programme : Nesta, London, UK
  • 2009 - Art and Research in Virtual Worlds : research presentation : University of Brighton, UK
  • 2009 - Virtual Artworks and Environments : fulldome lecture : Thinktank Planetarium, Birmingham, UK
  • 2009 - Collaborative Artworks, Research and Environments : lecture : Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King’s College London, UK
  • 2009 - The Virtualised and Visualised Gallery : presentation : ESP salon : Eastside Projects, Birmingham, UK
  • 2009 - The Vitruvian World : presentation : 2000+9 symposium : Sonic Arts Research Centre (SARC), Queen's University Belfast, UK
  • 2009 - Interdisciplinary Practice within Shared Virtual Environments : presentation : Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
  • 2009 - Art and Politics : presentation/panel : Art Debate series : QUAD, Derby, UK
  • 2009 - Arts & Humanities Crossovers within Research : lecture : Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King’s College London, UK
  • 2008 - Michael Takeo Magruder & Susanne Berkenheger in conversation : Post Me_New ID forum : The Great Hall, Hellerau, Dresden, DE
  • 2008 - Virtual Worlds and Art : presentation : Post Me_New ID forum : The Great Hall, Hellerau, Dresden, DE
  • 2008 - Rhythmic Space(s) : lecture with Prof Richard Beacham : Theatrum Mundi conference : University of Amsterdam, NL
  • 2008 - Visualisation Research within Contemporary Arts Practice : lecture : Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King’s College London, UK
  • 2008 - Addressable Memory : presentation/workshop : Brindley Arts Centre : Cheshire, UK
  • 2008 - Memory & Metaverses : presentation : body>data>space salon : London, UK
  • 2008 - The Vitruvian World : presentation/panel : Mixed Realities symposium : Emerson College, Boston, MA, US
  • 2008 - Art & Virtual Worlds : lecture : Department of Visual and Media Arts, Emerson College, Boston, MA, US
  • 2007 - Web-based Visualisation within Contemporary Art : lecture : Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King’s College London, UK
  • 2007 - Rhythmic Space(s) : process showing : CyNetArt_07 festival : The Great Hall, Hellerau, Dresden, DE
  • 2007 - Rhythmic Space(s) : presentation : Illustrative 07 forum : Villa Elisabeth, Berlin, DE
  • 2007 - Real-Time Expansion : presentation : New Directions in e-Science and Visual Perceptions JISC workshop : London, UK
  • 2007 - 3D Visualisation within Internet Art : presentation : AHRC vizNET workshop : Birmingham Institute of Art & Design, UK
  • 2007 - N-Dimensional Process : presentation : body>data>space salon : London, UK
  • 2007 - From Landscape to Datascape : lecture : Theatre Without Vanishing Points conference : The Great Hall, Hellerau, Dresden, DE
  • 2007 - 3D Visualisation within Internet Art : presentation : VizNet/3DVisA workshop : Loughborough University, UK
  • 2006 - Networked Art Practice : lecture : Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King’s College London, UK
  • 2006 - Real-time Datascapes - Real-time Histories : presentation : e-Science for the Visual Arts symposium : Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, UK
  • 2006 - Networked Art Practice : lecture : School of Art & Design, Coventry University, UK
  • 2006 - World[s] : presentation/process showing : Cybersonica 06 conference : Dana Centre, Science Museum London, UK
  • 2006 - Networked Art Practice : lecture : Department of Art, University College Falmouth, UK
  • 2005 - Net:Reality : presentation : Q-Arts Gallery, Derby, UK
  • 2005 - [ FALLUJAH . IRAQ . 31/03/2004 ] : presentation : Ethics into Aesthetics - EAST 2005 conference : Norwich Gallery, UK
  • 2005 - Net Art : lecture : School of Art & Design, Coventry University, UK
  • 2005 - Net Art : lecture : Old Market Hall Media Centre, Shrewsbury, UK
  • 2004 - Information-based Artforms : lecture : Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery, UK

Books and Exhibition Catalogues: (selected, 90+ total)

  • 2023 - Aaron Rosen in Weir & Wijnia (eds) : Bloomsbury Handbook of Religion & Heritage… : Bloomsbury, UK : ISBN 9781350251380
  • 2023 - Juan Martín Prada : Teoría del arte y cultura digital : Ediciones AKAL, ES : ISBN 9788446053521
  • 2022 - Johannes Birringer : Kinetic Atmospheres - Performance and Immersion : Routledge, UK : ISBN 9780367632618
  • 2021 - Diana Marincu : Orașe invizibile - tărâmuri imaginare : Editura Contrasens, RO : ISBN 9786069534403
  • 2021 - Candace Barrington in T. Pugh & S. Aronstein (eds) : The United States of Medievalism : Uni Toronto, CA : ISBN 9781487525088
  • 2021 - Seda Ilter : Mediatized Dramaturgy : Bloomsbury Academic, UK : ISBN 9781350031159
  • 2020 - Andrew Prescott in M. Reinhart, S. Golding & M. Paganelli (eds) : Data Loam : De Gruyter, DE : ISBN 9783110697841
  • 2020 - J. Sage Elwell : Religion and the Digital Arts : Brill, NL : ISBN 9789004447431
  • 2020 - Aaron Rosen in C. Setzer & D. Shefferman (eds) : The Bible in the American Experience : SBL Press, US : ISBN 9780884144373
  • 2020 - British Library Annual Report and Accounts 2019/20 : Her Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO), UK : ISBN 9781528621069
  • 2020 - Ž. Kleindienst & S. Štabi (eds) : Tense Present : ACE KIBLA, SI : ISBN 9789616304450
  • 2020 - Jeremy Pilcher : Culture, Technology and the Image : Intellect, UK : ISBN 9781789381115
  • 2019 - Eleanor Heartney : Doomsday Dreams : Silver Hollow Press, US : ISBN 9780998956800
  • 2019 - Aaron Rosen : Brushes with Faith : Cascade Books, US : ISBN 9781532649318
  • 2019 - Joshua Mann in S. Natale & D. Pasulka (eds) : Believing in Bits : Oxford University Press, UK : ISBN 9780190949990
  • 2019 - Aaron Rosen in C. Lewis & D. Sherbok (eds) : Interfaith Worship & Prayer : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, UK : ISBN 9781785921209
  • 2019 - T. Ardill & K. Sumnall : Secret Rivers : exhibition catalogue : Museum of London, London, UK
  • 2018 - Benedikte Holen (ed) : Og jeg skal ta deg med til paradiset : Jugendstilsenteret og KUBE, NO : ISBN 9788299718097
  • 2018 - Craig Hight in D. Williams : Ten Years of Studies in Documentary Film : Routledge, UK : ISBN 9781351590693
  • 2017 - British Library Annual Report and Accounts 2016/17 : Her Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO), UK : ISBN 9781474146999
  • 2017 - R. Barreto & P. Perissinotto (eds) : FILE São Paulo 2017 - Bubbling Universes exhibition book : FILE, BR : ISBN 9788589730235
  • 2017 - K. Case-Green & G. Sakakini : Imaging the Story : Cascade Books, US : ISBN 9781498217330
  • 2015 - Aaron Rosen : Art & Religion in the 21st Century : Thames & Hudson, US : ISBN 9780500239315
  • 2015 - N. O’Hear & A. O’Hear : Picturing the Apocalypse : Oxford University Press, UK : ISBN 9780199689019
  • 2015 - D. Hudson & P. Zimmermann : Thinking Through Digital Media : Palgrave Macmillan, US : ISBN 9781137433619
  • 2015 - Alfredo Cramerotti : The Hyperimage : in Vector - Post–Photography : Artes Publishing House, Ro : ISBN 9786065472730
  • 2015 - Dejan Pestotnik (ed) : UPTAKE : KIBLA, SI : ISBN 9789616304368
  • 2014 - De/coding the Apocalypse exhibition catalogue : King’s College London, UK
  • 2014 - Rewritten by Machine and New Technology exhibition catalogue : Indiana State University, US
  • 2014 - Anita Jay in Avnita Lakhani (ed) : Commercial Transactions in the Virtual World : CUHK Press, CN : ISBN 9789629372293
  • 2013 - Rachel Wells : Scale in Contemporary Sculpture : Ashgate, UK : ISBN 9781409431947
  • 2013 - Taiwan 2012 Digital Performing Arts Festival vol. 2 : Quanta Arts Foundation, TW
  • 2013 - Maria Miranda (ed) : Unsitely Aesthetics : Errant Bodies Press, DE : ISBN 9780982743980
  • 2013 - Robots & Avatars project e-publication : b>d>s, UK + KIBLA, SI + AltArt, RO
  • 2012 - Josette Féral : Pratiques performatives: Body Remix : University of Quebec Press, CA : ISBN 9782760533929
  • 2012 - S. Broadhurst & J. Machon (eds) : Identity, Performance & Technology : Palgrave Macmillan, UK : ISBN 9780230298880
  • 2012 - Robots & Avatars exhibition catalogue : KIBLA, Maribor, SI
  • 2012 - Robots & Avatars exhibition catalogue : FACT, Liverpool, UK
  • 2012 - Outi Remes in H. Birchall & A. Yeates (eds) : Don't Ask for the Mona Lisa : Association of Art Historians, UK : ISBN 9780957147706
  • 2011 - A. Cramerotti & S. Sheikh (eds) : All That Fits: The Aesthetics of Journalism : QUAD publishing, UK : ISBN 9780955353857
  • 2011 - Sonja Leboš : Second Life – potraga za… : in Mjesto, nemjesto : Institut za Etnologiju i Folkloristiku, HR : ISBN 9789536020607
  • 2011 - R. Barreto & P. Perissinotto (eds) : FILE São Paulo 2011 exhibition book : FILE, BR
  • 2010 - Jonathan Turner, et. al. (eds) : Manifesta 8 book : Silvana Editoriale Spa, IT : ISBN 9788836616978
  • 2010 - R. Barreto & P. Perissinotto (eds) : FILE São Paulo 2010 exhibition book : FILE, BR
  • 2009 - Rita Raley : Tactical Media : University of Minnesota Press, US : ISBN 9780816651504
  • 2009 - Alfredo Cramerotti : Aesthetic Journalism : Intellect, UK : ISBN 9781841502687
  • 2009 - Sharon Lin Tay : Women on the Edge - Twelve Political Film Practices : Palgrave Macmillan, US : ISBN 9780230217768
  • 2009 - Meta Štular (ed) : Post Me_ New ID book : KIBLA, SI : ISBN 9789616304252
  • 2009 - Gavin Wade (ed) : Abstract Cabinet exhibition catalogue : Eastside Projects, UK : ISBN 9781906753177
  • 2009 - R. Barreto & P. Perissinotto (eds) : FILE São Paulo 2009 - 10 Nurbs Proto 4KT exhibition book : FILE, BR
  • 2009 - 18th Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid exhibition catalogue : roARaTorio, FR
  • 2009 - R. Barreto & P. Perissinotto (eds) : FILE Rio 2009 - Geomatrix exhibition book : FILE, BR
  • 2008 - 17th Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid exhibition catalogue : roARaTorio, FR
  • 2008 - R. Barreto & P. Perissinotto (eds) : FILE São Paulo 2008 - Eight Million Pixels exhibition book : FILE, BR
  • 2008 - 15th Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid exhibition catalogue : roARaTorio, FR
  • 2008 - R. Barreto & P. Perissinotto (eds) : FILE Rio 2008 exhibition book : FILE, BR
  • 2008 - 21st Stuttgarter Filmwinter exhibition catalogue : Filmwinter, DE
  • 2007 - Douglas Easterly : Best Practices: The Pros On Flash book : Cengage, US : ISBN 9781418050412
  • 2007 - XII Split Film Festival exhibition catalogue : Split Film, HR : ISSN 18465897
  • 2007 - R. Barreto & P. Perissinotto (eds) : FILE São Paulo 2007 - Geomatrix exhibition book : FILE, BR
  • 2007 - Batteries not Included - Mind as Machine? exhibition catalogue : Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery, UK
  • 2007 - 12th Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid exhibition catalogue : roARaTorio, FR
  • 2007 - R. Barreto & P. Perissinotto (eds) : FILE Rio 2007 exhibition book : FILE, BR
  • 2006 - Videomedeja - 10 exhibition catalogue : VideoMedeja, CS : ISBN 8690643923
  • 2006 - Erosion exhibition catalogue : Klaipeda Cultural Communication Center, LT
  • 2006 - 11th Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin exhibition catalogue : roARaTorio, FR
  • 2006 - T. Dumke & K. Nicolai (eds) : CYNETart06: Humane exhibition book : TMA, DE : ISBN 3981024729
  • 2006 - XI Split Film Festival exhibition catalogue : Split Film, HR
  • 2006 - R. Barreto & P. Perissinotto (eds) : FILE São Paulo 2006 exhibition book : FILE, BR
  • 2006 - SIGGRAPH 2006: Electronic Art and Animation exhibition book : ACM, US : ISBN 1595933654
  • 2006 - R. Barreto & P. Perissinotto (eds) : FILE Rio 2006 exhibition book : FILE, BR
  • 2005 - 10th Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin exhibition catalogue : roARaTorio, FR
  • 2005 - R. Barreto & P. Perissinotto (eds) : FILE - Hipermedia exhibition book : FILE, BR
  • 2005 - Net:Reality exhibition catalogue : 20-21 Visual Arts Centre, UK
  • 2005 - prog:ME exhibition book : Centro Cultural Telemar, BR
  • 2005 - Future Landscapes exhibition catalogue : Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery, UK
  • 2005 - Lynda Morris (ed) : EAST International 2005 exhibition book : UK : ISBN 1872482767
  • 2005 - Images Festival 2005 exhibition catalogue : Images Festival, CA
  • 2005 - Videoformes 2005 exhibition catalogue : Videoformes, FR
  • 2005 - 18th Stuttgarter Filmwinter exhibition catalogue : Filmwinter, DE
  • 2004 - R. Barreto & P. Perissinotto (eds) : FILE 2004 exhibition book : FILE, BR
  • 2004 - New Forms Festival exhibition catalogue : New Forms Media Society, CA
  • 2004 - Videomedeja exhibition catalogue : VideoMedeja, CS
  • 2004 - 11th Visual Arts Biennial exhibition book : Gallery of Contemporary Art, Pancevo, CS
  • 2003 - Patrick Lichty (ed) : ICONography exhibition catalogue : Turbulence, US
  • 2003 - Spectrum III exhibition catalogue : QArts, UK
  • 2003 - 6th Japan Media Arts Festival exhibition catalogue : Agency for Cultural Affairs, JP
  • 2002 - Spectrum II exhibition catalogue : Lightsource, UK
  • 2000 - Spectrum exhibition catalogue : Lightsource, UK
  • 1999 - Heart of England Biennial exhibition catalogue : Herbert Art Gallery & Museum, UK
  • 1998 - David Phillips : Michael Takeo Magruder - Lanchester Gallery exhibition catalogue : Coventry University, UK

Articles, Press and Reviews: (selected, 180+ total)

  • 2024 - Jonathan Evens : The Art Diary - June 2024 : Artlyst, UK
  • 2023 - Hilary Irons : Gallery Gains : Maine Home+Design - June issue : Portland, ME, US
  • 2023 - Meghan Vigeant : What Matters : Decor Maine - June/July issue : Portland, ME, US
  • 2022 - Pauline de Souza : The Many Faces of the Artist's Studio : Third Text (online) : Routledge, UK
  • 2022 - Pnina Arad : Post-Secular Art for a Post-Secular Age : Material Religion v.18 i.2, UK : ISSN 17432200
  • 2022 - Aleksandra Artamonovskaja : Digital Art Ecosystem : V-Art.digital, Online
  • 2022 - Robert Geraci : Is the Metaverse the hero we need to rescue us from suffering… : Religion Dispatches, US
  • 2021 - Anastasia Gurschi : Artsens n.5 - Arta si Tehnologie : Editura Contrasens, RO : ISSN 28101952
  • 2021 - Angela Novăcescu : Orașe invizibile/Tărâmuri imaginare : Express de Banat, RO
  • 2021 - Milia Wallenius : On Digital Artworks… : Journal of Cultural Management & Cultural Policy v.7 n.1, DE : ISSN 27018466
  • 2020 - Aleksandra Artamonovskaja : Digital Art Offers Room for Experimentation, New Expressions… : Electric Artefacts, UK
  • 2020 - Silvia Iacovcich : Enter Through the Headset 5 - Between Pioneers and Newcomers : Metaforical, UK
  • 2020 - arts correspondents : Physically sanitised, spiritually liberating: Gazelli Art House's ETTH : The Art Newspaper, UK
  • 2020 - Mark Westall : Enter Through the Headset 5 : FAD Magazine, UK
  • 2020 - George Vitale : VR experience does not mean art : CLOT Magazine, UK
  • 2020 - Dan Drage : Home Alone Together : Transpositions, UK
  • 2020 - Eleanor Heartney : The New Jerusalem and the Gates of Heaven : The Visual Commentary on Scripture, UK
  • 2020 - arts correspondent : Home Alone Together : Apollo Magazine, UK
  • 2019 - Gergana Mileva : How Virtual Reality Takes Art to the Next Level : ARPost, US
  • 2019 - Aleksandra Artamonovskaja : AI Artists, What Are You Selling : Aleksandra.art, UK
  • 2019 - arts correspondent : Napeta sedanjost ali kako v portalu Kibla umetniki analizirajo... : RTV SLO (Slovenian National TV), SI
  • 2019 - arts correspondent : Synthesis x Berlin Art Week - A New Jerusalem : Art Connect, DE
  • 2019 - arts correspondent : A New Jerusalem at Synthesis Gallery : CLOT Magazine, UK
  • 2019 - arts correspondent : Enter Through the Headset 4 at Gazelli Art House : Sedition Magazine, UK
  • 2019 - Bob Chaundy : Enter Through the Headset 4 : Considering Art, UK
  • 2019 - culture team : How the British Library created a ‘Virtual City’ (tv interview) : Chongqing Newsnet, CN
  • 2019 - Rui Hu : Bring Art Treasures into Digitalization (tv interview) : iChongqing News, CN
  • 2019 - Jessica Mesman : Have Faith In Art - A Conversation with Aaron Rosen (podcast) : Image Journal, US
  • 2019 - Laura Reynolds : 7 Things To See At Art Night This Weekend : Londonist, UK
  • 2019 - Val Skelton : Walks, talks and imaginary cities – the British Library's digital collections : Information Today Europe, UK
  • 2019 - Joe Lloyd : Imaginary Cities : Studio International, US
  • 2019 - James Banham : Imaginary Cities : The F, AU
  • 2019 - Jen Barton Packer : Secret Rivers : Culture Whisper, UK
  • 2019 - Laurie Clarke : Culture Crossover - Imaginary Cities at the British Library : Techworld, UK
  • 2019 - arts editor : Imaginary Cities : London in Stereo, UK
  • 2019 - Rosemary Waugh : Imaginary Cities : Time Out London, UK
  • 2019 - Will Stone : Imaginary Cities, British Library, London : Morning Star, UK
  • 2019 - Jonathan Evens : Visionary Cities: Michael Takeo Magruder – British Library : Artlyst, UK
  • 2019 - Jonathan Jones : Culture highlights of the week - Five of the best exhibitions : The Guardian, UK
  • 2019 - Vincenzo Sebastiano : Imaginary Cities - British Library : Qui Londra, IT
  • 2019 - Tim Sandle : Imaginary Cities: How the digital age changes perceptions : Digital Journal, UK
  • 2019 - Jonathan Jones : The Week in Art : The Guardian, UK
  • 2019 - Benjamin O’Connor : Editor’s Choice - April 2019 : The London Architecture Diary, UK
  • 2019 - Simona Survilaite : Londoniete rekomenduoja : Londoniete, LT
  • 2019 - arts editor : Imaginary Cities : Your Media London, UK
  • 2019 - Kate McNab : The best art exhibitions in London in 2019 : Museum Crush, UK
  • 2019 - arts editor : April in London 2019 : London Town, UK
  • 2019 - Alice Thierry : Que Faire à Londres en Avril 2019 : French Morning London, FR
  • 2018 - Anna Paige : ‘Undocumented’ explores immigration, internment, land access at Billings southside gallery : Billings Gazette, MT, US
  • 2018 - Sarah Rose Sharp : In the Chapel of a Michigan Church, an Artist Creates a Lamentation for Syrian Refugees : Hyperallergic, US
  • 2018 - Freire Barnes : The Best Exhibitions To See in London : Culture Trip, UK
  • 2018 - Jonathan Evens : Apocalypse Now - Michael Takeo Magruder Interviewed : Artlyst, UK
  • 2018 - Ann McCoy : Stations of The Cross : The Brooklyn Rail (April), US : ISSN 21572151
  • 2018 - Jonathan Evens : Michael Takeo Magruder - De/coding the Apocalypse : Artlyst, UK
  • 2018 - Roberta Bosco : Badajoz albergará el arte digital más prestigioso de Nueva York : El País, ES
  • 2018 - Vanesa Soto Gallardo : El MEIAC de Badajoz acogerá el arte digital más famoso de Nueva York : TimeJust, ES
  • 2017 - Matthew Whitby : Designing and Creating a Game Installation : The Computer Games Journal, US : ISSN 2052773X
  • 2017 - M. Lauber : Art installation links Christ with Syrian refugees : Baltimore-Washington Conference of The United Methodist Church, US
  • 2017 - Michael Gryboski : Methodist seminary hosts art exhibit linking Syrian refugees to Shroud of Turin image : The Christian Post, US
  • 2017 - Jeania Ree Moore : The Stations of the Cross, circa 2017 : The Huffington Post, US
  • 2017 - Ji Kim : Stations of the Cross: A Pilgrimage for Art Lovers : Street Sense, DC, US
  • 2016 - Sarah Bay-Cheng : Virtual Realisms - Dramatic Forays into the Future : Theatre Journal v.67, US : ISSN 1086332X
  • 2016 - David Anderson : Preserving Hybrid Objects : Communications of the ACM v.59 n.5 : ACM, US : ISSN 00010782
  • 2016 - Jonathan Evens : Art Impacted – A Radical Response To Radicalisation : Artlyst, UK
  • 2016 - J. C. Correia : Repensar o papel da literatura e do jornalismo no século XXI : Mediapolis n.3 : CUP, PT : ISSN 21835918
  • 2016 - S. Brent Plate : “The Stations of the Cross” in London : Material Religion v.12 i.2, UK : ISSN 17432200
  • 2016 - Digby Warde-Aldam : An artistic pilgrimage that will make you see London in a spiritual light : Apollo Magazine, UK
  • 2016 - Laura Gascoigne : Modern Stations of the Cross : The Tablet, UK : ISSN 00398837
  • 2016 - Aaron Rosen : Jerusalem Builded Here - Stations of the Cross for the Twenty-First Century : Oremus, UK : ISSN 13667203
  • 2015 - Anna Bentkowska-Kafel : Debating Digital Art History : International Journal for Digital Art History i.1, US : ISSN 23635398
  • 2015 - Simon Woodman : De/coding the Apocalypse : Art & Christianity Journal i.81, UK : ISSN 17466229
  • 2015 - Argula Rublack : Exploring theology with digital art : Cassone, UK
  • 2015 - John McDougall : Digital art exhibition to be held at Runcorn theatre : Liverpool Echo - Runcorn & Widnes, UK
  • 2015 - arts correspondent : Living Data : The Skinny (Northwest i.23), UK
  • 2015 - Robert Cumber : Big data can be beautiful : Get West London, UK
  • 2015 - Anita Chowdry : Living Data @ Watermans : Journeys with Pattern and Colour Blog, UK
  • 2014 - Tom Jenkins : Apocalypse Now? : Crane.TV, UK
  • 2014 - Skye Sherwin : A Good Look (November) : The Guardian, UK
  • 2014 - Kevin Holmes : Pondering The Apocalypse Via A 3D Printed Horse Skull And Virtual Reality City : Creators Project, UK
  • 2014 - arts editor : Michael Takeo Magruder: De/coding the Apocalypse : Hunger.TV, UK
  • 2014 - arts editor : Michael Takeo Magruder: De/coding the Apocalypse : Art & Education, UK
  • 2014 - arts editor : Michael Takeo Magruder: De/coding the Apocalypse : The Arts Shelf, UK
  • 2013 - Sarah Grochala : How we made the 1984 Digital Double mobile app : The Guardian, UK
  • 2013 - Susan Button : Mobile News : Planetarian - Journal of the International Planetarium Society v.42 i.4, UK
  • 2012 - Bráulio de Britto Neves : Algumas questões para o documentário interface : Doc On-line, n. 13, PT : ISSN 1646477X
  • 2012 - Justin Rowlatt : Business Daily: The rise of the robot : BBC World Service, UK
  • 2012 - Anis Akaddhristi : Tech 4 (episode 101) : BBC Arabic News, UK
  • 2012 - Rob Myers : Dual: Crossovers between virtual and physical worlds : Furtherfield, UK
  • 2012 - arts correspondent : Maribor 2012, Evropska prestolnica kulture : RTV SLO (Slovenian National TV), SI
  • 2012 - Peter Rak : Kulturaža Roboti in avtarji: privlacnost tehnološke nepredvidljivosti : DELO, SI
  • 2012 - Jennifer Gleadell : The Cutting Edge with Cutting Room : Nottingham Visual Arts, UK
  • 2012 - arts correspondent : V Mariboru odpira vrata razstava Roboti in avatarji : VECER, SI
  • 2012 - arts correspondent : Spoznajte svojega avatarja : DELO, SI
  • 2012 - arts correspondent : Razstava Roboti in avatarji v KIBLI : RTV SLO (Slovenian National TV), SI
  • 2012 - arts correspondent : Kako se bomo v prihodnosti igrali in delali z roboti in avatarji? : RTV SLO (Slovenian National TV), SI
  • 2012 - Dragica Sušnik : Roboti in avatarji - bodoci sodelavci : Finance SI, SI
  • 2012 - Tanja Cirman : Bodoci sodelavci: roboti in avatarji : DELO, SI
  • 2012 - arts correspondent : Dual – Digital Art from The Cutting Room : CreativeNottingham, UK
  • 2012 - R. Bosco & S. Caldana : Robots y hombres electrónicos : El País, ES
  • 2012 - Spencer Kelly : coverage of Robots & Avatars : BBC Click, UK
  • 2012 - Steve Boxer : review of Robots & Avatars : ArtSelector, UK
  • 2012 - Katie Scott : The virtual and real worlds collide at FACT in Liverpool : Wired, UK
  • 2012 - Josie Jenkins : review of Robots & Avatars : Art in Liverpool, UK
  • 2012 - Ben Turner : Students at Weatherhead become art avatar stars : Liverpool Echo, UK
  • 2012 - Eamonn Lavery : Robots & Avatars at Fact Liverpool : Bay TV Liverpool, UK
  • 2012 - Quentin Cooper : Material World: G. Boddington and N. Sharkey talk about Robots & Avatars : BBC Radio 4, UK
  • 2012 - Laura Davis : Robots & Avatars exhibition at Fact in Liverpool : Liverpool Daily Post, UK
  • 2012 - Catherine Jones : FACT's new exhibition takes visitors inside the world of Robots & Avatars : Liverpool Echo, UK
  • 2012 - Jamillah Knowles : Outriders: G. Boddington talks about Robots & Avatars : BBC Radio 5 Live, UK
  • 2011 - Régine Debatty : review of All that Fits: The Aesthetics of Journalism : We Make Money Not Art, UK
  • 2011 - Dermis Pérez León : Manifesta 8: The Possibility of a Dialog of Borders : ArtNexus, i.80, US
  • 2010 - Naomi Scherbel-Ball : Crossing Continents : Deutsche Welle, DE
  • 2010 - Maria De Propris : Manifesta 8: Gli enigmi del quotidiano : (h)ortus, IT : ISSN 20386095
  • 2010 - Emanuela Sabbatini : Manifesta 8: Una Biennale di Parola : ArtKey Magazine, IT
  • 2010 - Susanne Boecker : Manifesta 8 : Kunstforum International, v.205, DE : ISSN 01773674
  • 2010 - Kolja Reichert : Manifesta 8 - Ach ja, der Dialog : Monopol, DE
  • 2010 - Samuel Herzog : Kuratoren, Seminarleiter – und Poeten : NZZ Online, CH
  • 2010 - Giovanni Saladino : Un ponte tra Europa e Africa : Atcasa, IT
  • 2010 - Mariana Schroeder : European Art Show Focuses on Muslim World : Voice of America News & Radio, US
  • 2010 - Merten Worthmann : Manifesta 8 : art Das Kunstmagazin, DE
  • 2010 - Mariana Schroeder : Touching the Taboo : The Wall Street Journal, US
  • 2010 - Sam Steverlynck : Bericht uit Murcia en Cartagena: Manifesta 8 : Kunstbeeld.nl, NL
  • 2010 - Santa Nastro : Da Manifesta: Boltanski style : review of (in)Remembrance [11-M] : Exibart.com, IT
  • 2010 - arts correspondent : review of Manifesta 8 : Artico, IT
  • 2010 - J. A. Pardo : Takeo y La Opinión reviven el 11-M : La Opinion de Murcia, ES
  • 2010 - Johannes Birringer : Moveable Worlds : International Journal of Performance Arts & Digital Media, 6:1 : ISSN 14794713
  • 2010 - Axel Stockburger : Im Auge des Orkans : Kunstforum International, v.201, DE : ISSN 01773674
  • 2009 - features editor : Data_Plex (economy) : KCL InTouch magazine, autumn 2009, UK
  • 2009 - Patrick Lichty : Reflection (hope and reconciliation) : review for Magazine électronique du CIAC, n.33, CA
  • 2009 - B. Gervais & M. Desjardins : Le spectacle du corps à l'ère d'Internet : Protee, v.37 n.1, CA
  • 2009 - Richard Beacham : The Future of the Past : proceedings from Digital Humanities for Japanese Arts & Cultures, JP
  • 2008 - arts correspondent : review of Virtual/Physical Bodies : parisART, FR
  • 2008 - arts correspondent : coverage of The Vitruvian World : Russian National State TV internet channel - Culture, RU
  • 2008 - Rob Myers : review of Addressable Memory : Furtherfield.org, UK
  • 2008 - D. Hudson & S. Tay : Undisclosed Recipients : Studies in Documentary Film, v.2 i.1 : Intellect, UK : ISSN 17503280
  • 2008 - Elisabeth Eaves : Planet Pop - In Pictures: 20 Trends Sweeping The Globe : Forbes.com, US
  • 2007 - Johannes Birringer : analysis of Rhythmic Spaces : CyNetArt_07 blog : TMA Hellerau, DE
  • 2007 - arts correspondent : coverage of Continuum... : Russian National State TV internet channel - Culture, RU
  • 2007 - Beatriz Bonduel : La actualidad del retrato : Kiliedro, i.4, ES
  • 2006 - R. Allsopp & S. DeLahunta (eds) : coverage of Data_cosm : Performance Research, v.11 i.4 : Routledge, UK : ISSN 13528165
  • 2006 - arts correspondent : coverage of Headlines... : Russian National State TV internet channel - Culture, RU
  • 2006 - Patrick Lichty : Caught in the Grid: Towards a Digital Minimalism : US
  • 2006 - Anna Bentkowska-Kafel : review of Data_cosm : 3DVisA Survey of 3D Projects - Digital Arts, UK
  • 2006 - arts correspondent : coverage of Re_collection : Russian National State TV internet channel - Culture, RU
  • 2006 - Valentina Tanni : review of Monolith[s] : Random, IT
  • 2006 - James O'Connell : Michael Takeo Magruder: artist profile : Ten4 Magazine issue03, UK
  • 2006 - arts correspondent : coverage of Transcription : Russian National State TV internet channel - Culture, RU
  • 2006 - Tsila Hassine : Michael Takeo Magruder: latest works : Furtherfield.org, UK
  • 2006 - arts correspondent : preview of East Wing Collection 7: Culture Bound : Art & Architecture, UK
  • 2006 - Jo-Anne Green & Helen Thorington : A Decade of Turbulence: 1996-2006 : US
  • 2005 - arts correspondent : coverage of Data_cosm : Russian National State TV internet channel - Culture, RU
  • 2005 - Cate McQuaid : One to watch in Harvard Square : The Boston Globe, US
  • 2005 - Valentina Culatti : Data_cosm, news sculptures : Neural, IT
  • 2005 - arts correspondent : review of Net:Reality : Metro (8 Nov.), UK
  • 2005 - Valentina Tanni : review of Re_collection : Random, IT
  • 2005 - Marco Mancuso : Quando l'arte diventa rete : DIGIMAG issue07, IT
  • 2005 - Valentina Tanni : review of Net:Reality : Random, IT
  • 2005 - Patrick Lichty : review of Data_cosm : Net:Reality exhibition catalogue, ES
  • 2005 - Ian Collins : Creativity and art of anger : Eastern Daily Press (2 July), UK
  • 2005 - Juan Gonzalo : Compendio británico - review of Net:Reality : Revistarte, ES
  • 2005 - Juan Gonzalo : Cibercuerpos - review of Le Nu : Revistarte, ES
  • 2004 - Nick Montfort : Fallujah Flash : GrandTextAuto, US
  • 2004 - R. Bosco & S. Caldana : Internet ofrece otra perspectiva del asedio y destrucción de Faluya : El Pais, ES
  • 2004 - Anton Foudimov : review of <event> : Digital Visions 2004, CA
  • 2004 - Elizabeth Bard : Stormy Weather : Rhizome.org, US
  • 2004 - Jo-Anne Green : review of <event> : Turbulence.org, US
  • 2004 - Garrett Lynch : review of no/copy/right exhibition : NetArtReview, US
  • 2004 - Juan Gonzalo : Aberración cromática : Revistarte, ES
  • 2003 - Robert Clark : review of Spectrum III exhibition : The Guardian (Nov.), UK
  • 2003 - Domenico Quaranta : review of ICONography : Random, IT
  • 2003 - arts correspondent : review of Spectrum III exhibition : City Lights - East Midlands magazine (Oct./Nov. issue) : UK
  • 2003 - arts correspondent : der code des massenmediums : Die Tageszeitung, DE
  • 2003 - K. C. Solano : review of | reconstruction | : Digital Visions 2003, CA
  • 2003 - Jessica Loseby : Sampling the Net : A-N magazine (May issue), UK : ISSN 02613425
  • 2003 - Damiana Luzzi : review of | reconstruction | : Random, IT
  • 2002 - Louise Clements & Jonathan Willett : Light Sensitive : A-N magazine (Oct. issue), UK : ISSN 02613425
  • 2001 - Sarah Jane Downing : review of [element]s : The Big Issue (Nov. issue) South West, UK
  • 2001 - arts correspondent : coverage of [element]s exhibition : ITV News (Oct.) UK
  • 2001 - Charlotte Edwards : review of [element]s exhibition : ArtPreview (Oct. issue), UK
  • 2000 - Robert Clark : review of ¿Transcendence? exhibition : The Guardian (Dec.), UK
  • 2000 - arts correspondent : review of ¿Transcendence? exhibition : Artscene (Oct. issue), UK
  • 2000 - Richard Jevons : review of ¿Transcendence? exhibition : The Leeds Guide (Oct. issue), UK : ISSN 14606429
  • 1998 - Robert Clark : review of Michael Takeo Magruder @ Lanchester Gallery exhibition : The Guardian (Dec.), UK


  • 2005 - ScreenShot(s) : producer/curator : exhibition on UK-based internet art for Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery, UK
  • 2004 - Net:Reality : lead artist/curator : 2005/6 UK touring exhibition funded by Arts Council England
  • 2003 - Spectrum III : lead artist/curator : 2003/4 UK touring exhibition for QArts, Derby, UK
  • 2002 - The Cyber-Kitchen : artist/co-curator : international net art installation

Artwork Collections:

  • 2023 - Henry Luce III Center for the Arts & Religion, US
  • 2021 - The National Archives, UK
  • 2020 - Museum of London, UK
  • 2012 - ARTstor digital library, founded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, NY, US
  • 2010 - Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art, Cornell University, NY, US
  • 2004 - Turbulence.org, NY, US
  • 2003 - ArtBase, Rhizome.org, NY, US
  • 2003 - Computer Fine Arts (private collection of Doran Golan)

Advisory Boards:

  • 2019-pres - Visual Arts Advisory Board : Image (journal) : Center for Religious Humanism, US : ISSN 10873503
  • 2012-2022 - Editorial Board : International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media : Taylor & Francis, UK : ISSN 14794713


Gazelli Art House

Commercial Sales & Enquiries:

Gazelli Art House

39 Dover Street, Mayfair, London, UK
+44 207 491 8816

Michael Takeo Magruder

Non-Commercial Projects & Enquiries:

Artist Studio Email